package async_kernel

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
include module type of struct include Async_kernel_scheduler end
type 'a with_options = ?monitor:Monitor.t -> ?priority:Priority.t -> 'a
val current_execution_context : unit -> Execution_context.t
val within_context : Execution_context.t -> (unit -> 'a) -> ('a, unit) Core_kernel.Result.t

within_context context f runs f () right now with the specified execution context. If f raises, then the exception is sent to the monitor of context, and Error () is returned.

val within' : ((unit -> 'a Deferred.t) -> 'a Deferred.t) with_options

within' f ~monitor ~priority runs f () right now, with the specified block group, monitor, and priority set as specified. They will be reset to their original values when f returns. If f raises, then the result of within' will never become determined, but the exception will end up in the specified monitor.

val within : ((unit -> unit) -> unit) with_options

within is like within', but doesn't require the thunk to return a deferred.

val within_v : ((unit -> 'a) -> 'a option) with_options

within_v is like within, but allows a value to be returned by f.

val with_local : 'a Core_kernel.Univ_map.Key.t -> 'a option -> f:(unit -> 'b) -> 'b

with_local key value ~f, when run in the current execution context, e, runs f right now in a new execution context, e', that is identical to e except that find_local key = value. As usual, e' will be in effect in asynchronous computations started by f. When with_local returns, the execution context is restored to e.

val find_local : 'a Core_kernel.Univ_map.Key.t -> 'a option

find_local key returns the value associated to key in the current execution context.

val schedule' : ((unit -> 'a Deferred.t) -> 'a Deferred.t) with_options

Just like within', but instead of running the thunk right now, adds it to the Async queue to be run with other Async jobs.

val schedule : ((unit -> unit) -> unit) with_options

Just like schedule', but doesn't require the thunk to return a deferred.

val enqueue_job : Execution_context.t -> ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit

eneque_job execution_context.t f a enqueues into the scheduler's job queue a job that will run f a in execution_context.

val thread_safe_enqueue_job : Execution_context.t -> ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit

thread_safe_enqueue_job is like enqueue_job, except it is for use from a thread that doesn't hold the Async lock.

val preserve_execution_context : ('a -> unit) -> ('a -> unit) Core_kernel.Staged.t

preserve_execution_context t f saves the current execution context and returns a function g such that g a runs f a in the saved execution context. g a becomes determined when f a becomes determined.

val preserve_execution_context' : ('a -> 'b Deferred.t) -> ('a -> 'b Deferred.t) Core_kernel.Staged.t
val cycle_times : unit -> Core_kernel.Time.Span.t Tail.Stream.t

cycle_times () returns a stream that is extended with an element at the start of each Async cycle, with the amount of time that the previous cycle took, as determined by calls to at the beginning and end of the cycle.

long_cycles ~at_least returns a stream of cycles whose duration is at least at_least. long_cycles is more efficient than cycle_times because it only allocates a stream entry when there is a long cycle, rather than on every cycle.

val cycle_count : unit -> int

cycle_count () returns the total number of Async cycles that have happened.

total_cycle_time () returns the total (wall) time spent executing jobs in Async cycles.

val event_precision : unit -> Core_kernel.Time.Span.t

The alarm_precision of the timing-wheel used to implement Async's Clock.

val force_current_cycle_to_end : unit -> unit

force_current_cycle_to_end () causes no more normal priority jobs to run in the current cycle, and for the end-of-cycle jobs (i.e., writes) to run, and then for the cycle to end.

val set_max_num_jobs_per_priority_per_cycle : int -> unit

set_max_num_jobs_per_priority_per_cycle int sets the maximum number of jobs that will be done at each priority within each Async cycle. The default is 500. max_num_jobs_per_priority_per_cycle retrieves the current value.

val max_num_jobs_per_priority_per_cycle : unit -> int
val set_record_backtraces : bool -> unit

set_record_backtraces do_record sets whether Async should keep in the execution context the history of stack backtraces (obtained via Backtrace.get) that led to the current job. If an Async job has an unhandled exception, this backtrace history will be recorded in the exception. In particular the history will appear in an unhandled exception that reaches the main monitor. This can have a substantial performance impact, both in running time and space usage.

val yield : unit -> unit Deferred.t

yield () returns a deferred that becomes determined after the current cycle completes. This can be useful to improve fairness by yielding within a computation to give other jobs a chance to run.

val yield_until_no_jobs_remain : unit -> unit Deferred.t

yield_until_no_jobs_remain () returns a deferred that becomes determined the next time Async's job queue is empty. This is useful in tests when one needs to wait for the completion of all the jobs based on what's in the queue, when those jobs might create other jobs -- without depending on I/O or the passage of wall-clock time.

val yield_every : n:int -> (unit -> unit Deferred.t) Core_kernel.Staged.t

yield_every ~n returns a function that will act as yield every n calls and as return () the rest of the time. This is useful for improving fairness in circumstances where you don't have good control of the batch size, but can insert a deferred into every iteration.

yield_every raises if n <= 0.

val num_jobs_run : unit -> int

num_jobs_run () returns the number of jobs that have been run since starting. The returned value includes the currently running job.

val num_pending_jobs : unit -> int

num_pending_jobs returns the number of jobs that are queued to run by the scheduler.

val cycle_start : unit -> Time.t
  • deprecated [since 2016-02] Use [Time_source]
val cycle_start_ns : unit -> Time_ns.t
  • deprecated [since 2016-02] Use [Time_source]

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