package b0

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Web browser interaction.

Browser shows URIs in the user's browsers. Up to severe platform and browser application limitations it tries to limit the creation of new tabs, reloading existing one which have the same URI or are, if requested, prefixed by the URI.

Environment variables

module Env : sig ... end

Environment variables.

Show URIs

type t

The type for specifying a browser.

val find : ?search:B00_std.Fpath.t list -> browser:B00_std.Cmd.t option -> unit -> (t option, string) result

find ~search ~browser tries to find a browser in a rather complex and platform dependent way.

val show : background:bool -> prefix:bool -> t option -> string -> (unit, string) result

show ~background ~prefix browser uri shows URI using browser browser (if None an error message is returned mentioning that no browser was found. If background is true tries to keep the browser application in the background, if false brings it in user focus.

The function tries to limit the creation of new tabs using the following strategy:

  • Repeat from the frontmost browser window to the backmost one until a tab to reload is found:

    1. If the window's current tab's URI is uri (or is prefixed by uri when prefix is true), reload this tab.
    2. If the window has one or more tab whose URI is uri (or is prefixed by uri when prefix is true), pick the left most one, make it current in the window and reload it.
  • If no tab was found, get the frontmost window. If the current tab has no URI, use that tab with uri otherwise create a new tab with uri and make it current for the window.

Cli interaction

val browser : ?docs:string -> ?opts:string list -> unit -> B00_std.Cmd.t option Cmdliner.Term.t

browser is an option and BROWSER environment variable to use with the browser argument of find. opts are the cli options and default to ["browser"].

val prefix : ?docs:string -> ?opts:string list -> unit -> bool Cmdliner.Term.t

prefix is option to use the with prefix argument of show. opts are the cli options and default to ["prefix"].

val background : ?docs:string -> ?opts:string list -> unit -> bool Cmdliner.Term.t

background is an option to use with the background argument of !show. opts are the cli options and default to ["background"]


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