package b0

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Cmdlet manual

This manual shows how to deal with B0 cmdlets and create your own.


Basic operations on cmdlets are provided by the b0 cmdlet command.

b0 cmdlet list  # List cmdlets

Making your own

Let's make a simple cmdlet that invokes a script at the root of your project:

Yaddada root vs scope

let run_script ~script env args =
  let scope_dir = B0_cmdlet.Env.scope_dir env in
  let script = Fpath.(scope_dir // script) in
  let cwd = Option.value ~default:scope_dir cwd in
  Os.Exit.exec ~cwd script Cmd.(path script %% args)

let mycmd =
  B0_cmdlet.v "mycmd" ~doc:"Run mycmd" @@
  run_script ~script:(Fpath.v "scripts/mycmd")

Even though you should rewrite all these scripts as OCaml cmdlets a direct short cut for the above boilerplate is provided. Use B0_cmdlet.exec:

let mycmd =
  B0_cmdlet.v "mycmd" ~doc:"Run mycmd" @@
  B0_cmdlet.exec (Fpath.v "scripts/mycmd")

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