package baby

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

The signature Baby.CORE describes the interface that must be offered by the balancing code to the rest of the balanced binary search tree library. Most operations on binary search tree are built on top of this interface, and are oblivious to the balancing criterion.

type key

Keys, or elements.

type tree

Balanced binary search trees.

type view =
  1. | Leaf
  2. | Node of tree * key * tree

A view on a balanced binary search tree indicates whether this tree is a leaf or a node, and, if it is a node, gives access to its left child, its key, and its right child. A view does not give access to balancing information, such as the tree's height or weight.

val view : tree -> view

view turns a tree into a view.

val leaf : tree

leaf is the empty tree; a leaf.

val join : tree -> key -> tree -> tree

join l v r expects a subtree l, a key v, and a subtree r such that l < v < r holds. It returns a new tree whose elements are the elements of l, v, and r. If needed, it performs rebalancing, so the key v is not necessarily found at the root of the new tree.

val join_neighbors : tree -> key -> tree -> tree

join_neighbors l v r is analogous to join l v r. Like join, it requires l < v < r. Furthermore, it assumes that the trees l and r have been obtained by taking two siblings in a well-formed tree and by adding or removing one element in one of them.

val join_weight_balanced : tree -> key -> tree -> tree

join_weight_balanced l v r is analogous to join l v r. Like join, it requires l < v < r. Furthermore, it assumes that the weights of the trees l and r differ by at most one.

val weight : tree -> int

If the weight of a tree can be determined in constant time, then weight t returns the weight of the tree t. If the weight of a tree cannot be efficiently determined, then it is acceptable for weight to always return zero. The function weight is used to implement fast paths in subset and equality tests: it must be the case that subset t1 t2 implies weight t1 <= weight t2.

val cardinal : tree -> int

cardinal t returns the number of elements in the tree. Depending on the internal representation of trees, the function cardinal may have time complexity O(1) or O(n). This is indicated by constant_time_cardinal.

val constant_time_cardinal : bool

constant_time_cardinal indicates whether cardinal constant time complexity.

val singleton : key -> tree

singleton x constructs a tree whose sole element is x.

val doubleton : key -> key -> tree

doubleton x y requires x < y. It constructs a tree whose elements are x and y.

val tripleton : key -> key -> key -> tree

tripleton x y z requires x < y < z. It constructs a tree whose elements are x, y, and z.

val seems_smaller : tree -> tree -> bool

seems_smaller t1 t2 indicates which of the trees t1 and t2 seems smaller, based on height or weight. This function is used as part of a heuristic choice, so no correctness obligation bears on it; its postcondition is true.

val check : tree -> unit

check t checks that the tree t is well-formed: that is, t is a balanced binary search tree. This function is used while testing only.


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