package bap-byteweight

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Interface to the unified storage of signatures.

The signatures a key-value pairs (entries) located in one or more archives. Keys are target/compiler descriptions and values are arbitrary data.

The data types of the signature are described with the Data module. This library doesn't specify any data types of signature values and they are commonly provided by the libraries that define those data types, e.g., Bap_byteweight.Bytes.

type error = [
  1. | `Corrupted of string

    Signature file is corrupted

  2. | `No_signatures

    Signature file is not found

  3. | `No_entry of string

    Corresponding entry not found

  4. | `Sys_error of string

    System error has occurred


Error conditions

type 'a data

the descriptor of the data type stored in the signature entry.

  • since 2.5.0
val lookup : ?paths:string list -> ?compiler:Bap_core_theory.Theory.compiler -> Bap_core_theory.Theory.Target.t -> 'a data -> ('a, error) Core_kernel.Result.t

lookup t f looks up for the matching entry in the signature database.

The search is performed over the paths list that is a list of filenames. The first matching entry is selected. If a file in the paths list doesn't exist then it is skipped. If it exists but unreadable an error is returned.

The paths list is always appended by [default_path; system_path], in that specific order.

If compiler is specified, then only entries that list matching compiler will be selected.

The target matches are performed with the Theory.Target.matches function.

  • since 2.5.0
val update : ?compiler:Bap_core_theory.Theory.compiler -> Bap_core_theory.Theory.Target.t -> 'a data -> 'a -> string -> (unit, error) Core_kernel.Result.t

update t f x path updates or creates an entry in the signature database.

Removes all entries that match with the specified compiler, target, and data type and adds a new entry with the provided data. All unmatching entries are preserved.

  • since 2.5.0
module Data : sig ... end

Interface for declaring signature database data types.

val save : ?comp:string -> mode:string -> path:string -> Bap.Std.arch -> bytes -> (unit, error) Core_kernel.Result.t

save ?comp ~mode ~path arch data store signatures data in the database of signatures specified by the path parameter.

The triple arch-comp-mode defines a key for the created entry. If an entry with the same name existed, then it would be overwritten with the new data. If the database, doesn't exist, then it will be created and the specified destination.

  • deprecated since 2022-02 use [lookup]
val load : ?comp:string -> ?path:string -> mode:string -> Bap.Std.arch -> (bytes, error) Core_kernel.Result.t

load ?comp ?path ~mode arch finds a signature for the specified arch-comp-path triple.

If path is not set, the the signatures are looked up first in default_path and, if not found, in system_path.

Since 2.3.0 the path search has changed to look into two locations.

  • deprecated since 2022-02 use [update]
val default_path : string

default path for the user's signatures database.

Since 2.3.0 it is pointed to the user-specific location, not to the system-wide. See also system_path.

val system_path : string

the path to the system-wide location of signatures.

  • since 2.3.0
val string_of_error : error -> string

a human readable representation of an error.


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