package base

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type 'key key

The type of keys. This will be 'key for polymorphic dictionaries, or some fixed type for dictionaries with monomorphic keys.

type ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t

Dictionaries. Their keys have type 'key key. Each key's associated value has type 'data. The dictionary may be distinguished by a 'phantom type.

type ('fn, 'key, 'data, 'phantom) accessor

The type of accessor functions 'fn that operate on ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t. May take extra arguments before 'fn, such as a comparison function.

val is_empty : (_, _, 'phantom) t -> bool

Whether the dictionary is empty.

val length : (_, _, 'phantom) t -> int

How many key/value pairs the dictionary contains.

val to_alist : ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> ('key key * 'data) list

All key/value pairs.

val keys : ('key, _, 'phantom) t -> 'key key list

All keys in the dictionary, in the same order as to_alist.

val data : (_, 'data, 'phantom) t -> 'data list

All values in the dictionary, in the same order as to_alist.

val clear : (_, _, 'phantom) t -> unit

Removes all key/value pairs from the dictionary.

val copy : ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t

A new dictionary containing the same key/value pairs.

val mem : (('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> 'key key -> bool, 'key, 'data, 'phantom) accessor

Whether key has a value.

val find : (('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> 'key key -> 'data option, 'key, 'data, 'phantom) accessor

Produces the current value, or absence thereof, for a given key.

val find_exn : (('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> 'key key -> 'data, 'key, 'data, 'phantom) accessor

Like find. Raises if there is no value for the given key.

val find_or_add : (('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> 'key key -> default:(unit -> 'data) -> 'data, 'key, 'data, 'phantom) accessor

Like find. Adds the value default () if none exists, then returns it.

val findi_or_add : (('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> 'key key -> default:('key key -> 'data) -> 'data, 'key, 'data, 'phantom) accessor

Like find. Adds default key if no value exists.

val find_and_call : (('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> 'key key -> if_found:('data -> 'c) -> if_not_found:('key key -> 'c) -> 'c, 'key, 'data, 'phantom) accessor

Like find. Calls if_found data if a value exists, or if_not_found key otherwise. Avoids allocation Some.

val findi_and_call : (('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> 'key key -> if_found:(key:'key key -> data:'data -> 'c) -> if_not_found:('key key -> 'c) -> 'c, 'key, 'data, 'phantom) accessor

Like findi. Calls if_found ~key ~data if a value exists.

val find_and_remove : (('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> 'key key -> 'data option, 'key, 'data, 'phantom) accessor

Like find. Removes the value for key, if any, from the dictionary before returning it.

val add : (('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> key:'key key -> data:'data -> [ `Ok | `Duplicate ], 'key, 'data, 'phantom) accessor

Adds a key/value pair for a key the dictionary does not contain, or reports a duplicate.

val add_exn : (('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> key:'key key -> data:'data -> unit, 'key, 'data, 'phantom) accessor

Like add. Raises on duplicates.

val set : (('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> key:'key key -> data:'data -> unit, 'key, 'data, 'phantom) accessor

Adds or replaces a key/value pair in the dictionary.

val remove : (('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> 'key key -> unit, 'key, 'data, 'phantom) accessor

Removes any value for the given key.

val change : (('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> 'key key -> f:('data option -> 'data option) -> unit, 'key, 'data, 'phantom) accessor

Adds, replaces, or removes the value for a given key, depending on its current value or lack thereof.

val update : (('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> 'key key -> f:('data option -> 'data) -> unit, 'key, 'data, 'phantom) accessor

Adds or replaces the value for a given key, depending on its current value or lack thereof.

val update_and_return : ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> 'key key -> f:('data option -> 'data) -> 'data

Like update. Returns the new value.

val incr : (?by:int -> ?remove_if_zero:bool -> ('key, int, 'phantom) t -> 'key key -> unit, 'key, 'data, 'phantom) accessor

Adds by to the value for key, default 0 if key is absent. May remove key if the result is 0, depending on remove_if_zero.

val decr : (?by:int -> ?remove_if_zero:bool -> ('key, int, 'phantom) t -> 'key key -> unit, 'key, 'data, 'phantom) accessor

Subtracts by from the value for key, default 0 if key is absent. May remove key if the result is 0, depending on remove_if_zero.

val add_multi : (('key, 'data list, 'phantom) t -> key:'key key -> data:'data -> unit, 'key, 'data, 'phantom) accessor

Adds data to the existing key/value pair for key. Interprets a missing key as having an empty list.

val remove_multi : (('key, _ list, 'phantom) t -> 'key key -> unit, 'key, 'data, 'phantom) accessor

Removes one element from the existing key/value pair for key. Removes the key entirely if the new list is empty.

val find_multi : (('key, 'data list, 'phantom) t -> 'key key -> 'data list, 'key, 'data, 'phantom) accessor

Produces the list associated with the corresponding key. Interprets a missing key as having an empty list.

val fold : ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> init:'acc -> f:(key:'key key -> data:'data -> 'acc -> 'acc) -> 'acc

Combines every value in the dictionary.

val for_all : (_, 'data, 'phantom) t -> f:('data -> bool) -> bool

Whether every value satisfies f.

val for_alli : ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> f:(key:'key key -> data:'data -> bool) -> bool

Like for_all. The predicate may also depend on the associated key.

val exists : (_, 'data, 'phantom) t -> f:('data -> bool) -> bool

Whether at least one value satisfies f.

val existsi : ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> f:(key:'key key -> data:'data -> bool) -> bool

Like exists. The predicate may also depend on the associated key.

val count : (_, 'data, 'phantom) t -> f:('data -> bool) -> int

How many values satisfy f.

val counti : ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> f:(key:'key key -> data:'data -> bool) -> int

Like count. The predicate may also depend on the associated key.

val choose : ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> ('key key * 'data) option

Arbitrary, deterministic key/value pair if non-empty.

val choose_exn : ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> 'key key * 'data

Like choose. Raises if empty.

val choose_randomly : ?random_state:Random.State.t -> ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> ('key key * 'data) option

Arbitrary, pseudo-random key/value pair if non-empty.

val choose_randomly_exn : ?random_state:Random.State.t -> ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> 'key key * 'data

Like choose_randomly. Raises if empty.

val iter_keys : ('key, _, 'phantom) t -> f:('key key -> unit) -> unit

Calls f for every key.

val iter : (_, 'data, 'phantom) t -> f:('data -> unit) -> unit

Calls f for every value.

val iteri : ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> f:(key:'key key -> data:'data -> unit) -> unit

Calls f for every key/value pair.

val map : ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> f:('data -> 'c) -> ('key, 'c, 'phantom) t

Transforms every value.

val mapi : ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> f:(key:'key key -> data:'data -> 'c) -> ('key, 'c, 'phantom) t

Like map. The transformation may also depend on the associated key.

val map_inplace : (_, 'data, 'phantom) t -> f:('data -> 'data) -> unit

Like map. Modifies the input.

val mapi_inplace : ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> f:(key:'key key -> data:'data -> 'data) -> unit

Like mapi. Modifies the input.

val filter_keys : ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> f:('key key -> bool) -> ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t

Produces only those key/value pairs whose key satisfies f.

val filter : ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> f:('data -> bool) -> ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t

Produces only those key/value pairs whose value satisfies f.

val filteri : ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> f:(key:'key key -> data:'data -> bool) -> ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t

Produces only those key/value pairs which satisfy f.

val filter_keys_inplace : ('key, _, 'phantom) t -> f:('key key -> bool) -> unit

Like filter_keys. Modifies the input.

val filter_inplace : (_, 'data, 'phantom) t -> f:('data -> bool) -> unit

Like filter. Modifies the input.

val filteri_inplace : ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> f:(key:'key key -> data:'data -> bool) -> unit

Like filteri. Modifies the input.

val filter_map : ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> f:('data -> 'c option) -> ('key, 'c, 'phantom) t

Produces key/value pairs for which f produces Some.

val filter_mapi : ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> f:(key:'key key -> data:'data -> 'c option) -> ('key, 'c, 'phantom) t

Like filter_map. The new value may also depend on the associated key.

val filter_map_inplace : (_, 'data, 'phantom) t -> f:('data -> 'data option) -> unit

Like filter_map. Modifies the input.

val filter_mapi_inplace : ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> f:(key:'key key -> data:'data -> 'data option) -> unit

Like filter_mapi. Modifies the input.

val partition_tf : ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> f:('data -> bool) -> ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t * ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t

Splits one dictionary into two. The first contains key/value pairs for which the value satisfies f. The second contains the remainder.

val partitioni_tf : ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> f:(key:'key key -> data:'data -> bool) -> ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t * ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t

Like partition_tf. The predicate may also depend on the associated key.

val partition_map : ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> f:('data -> ('c, 'd) Either.t) -> ('key, 'c, 'phantom) t * ('key, 'd, 'phantom) t

Splits one dictionary into two, corresponding respectively to First _ and Second _ results from f.

val partition_mapi : ('key, 'data, 'phantom) t -> f:(key:'key key -> data:'data -> ('c, 'd) Either.t) -> ('key, 'c, 'phantom) t * ('key, 'd, 'phantom) t

Like partition_map. The split may also depend on the associated key.

val merge : (('key, 'data1, 'phantom) t -> ('key, 'data2, 'phantom) t -> f: (key:'key key -> [ `Left of 'data1 | `Right of 'data2 | `Both of 'data1 * 'data2 ] -> 'data3 option) -> ('key, 'data3, 'phantom) t, 'key, 'data3, 'phantom) accessor

Merges two dictionaries by fully traversing both. Not suitable for efficiently merging lists of dictionaries. See merge_into instead.

val merge_into : (src:('key, 'data1, 'phantom) t -> dst:('key, 'data2, 'phantom) t -> f:(key:'key key -> 'data1 -> 'data2 option -> 'data2 Merge_into_action.t) -> unit, 'key, 'data, 'phantom) accessor

Merges two dictionaries by traversing src and adding to dst. Computes the effect on dst of each key/value pair in src using f.


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