package binsec

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

General BINSEC related utilities

exception UserFriendlyParseError of string

the exception for errors in read_* functions. Use `to_string` on it to get * a user-friendly error message

val read_file : parser:('a -> Lexing.lexbuf -> 'b) -> lexer:'a -> filename:string -> 'b

parses a file with nice error messages

val read_string : parser:('a -> Lexing.lexbuf -> 'b) -> lexer:'a -> string:string -> 'b

parses the content of a string with nice error messages

val read_dba_file : string -> 'a Dba_types.program
val read_optional_config_file : string option -> Infos.t

read_optional_config_file optfile parses optfile if it is not None. Otherwise, or in case of parse error, it returns Infos.default. If a start address has been set on the command line, it tries to set it.

Caveat: if an entry point has been set both through a configuration file and the command line, read_optional_config_file fails.

exception Invalid_dba_string of string
val instruction_of_string : string -> Dba.Instr.t

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