package boltzgen

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Boltzgen runtime library entry point

val compute_boltzman : Gen_test_lib__.Type.func -> float -> float * float

compute_boltzman fd z Evaluate the bolzman generating function for function signature fd using boltzman parameter z

val set_max_size : int -> unit
val random_state : unit -> Stdlib.Random.State.t
val print_typedef : Stdlib.out_channel -> ((string * string list) * (string * Gen_test_lib__.Type.compo_type option * float option) list) list -> unit

Print a type definition

val print_sig : Stdlib.out_channel -> (((string * string list) * (string * Gen_test_lib__.Type.compo_type option * float option) list) list * Gen_test_lib__.Type.func) -> unit

Print a module signature matching type and function signature

Internal test generation function

val gen_test : ?out_err:bool -> ?ftotest:string -> Stdlib.out_channel -> int -> int -> ((string * string list) * (string * Gen_test_lib__.Type.compo_type option * float option) list) list -> Gen_test_lib__.Type.func -> float -> unit
val gen_to_string : ?throw:bool -> ?canonize:string -> Gen_test_lib__.Type.func -> string
val gen_value : ?tsrange:(int * int) -> Stdlib.out_channel -> int -> int -> Gen_test_lib__.Type.func -> float -> unit
val gen_test_direct : ?out_err:bool -> ?throw:bool -> ?canonize:string -> Stdlib.out_channel -> int -> int -> ((string * string list) * (string * Gen_test_lib__.Type.compo_type option * float option) list) list -> Gen_test_lib__.Type.func -> float -> unit
val gen_test_diff : ?out_err:bool -> ?throw:bool -> ?canonize:string -> string -> string -> Stdlib.out_channel -> int -> int -> ((string * string list) * (string * Gen_test_lib__.Type.compo_type option * float option) list) list -> Gen_test_lib__.Type.func -> float -> unit

Runtime function

val nb_test : int Stdlib.ref
val nb_fail : int Stdlib.ref
val rand_fun : string -> int -> 'a -> 'b

rand_fun type seed arg is a pure generic function, it generate a value of type type seed and arg are parameters for the value

val assert_equal : ?throw:bool -> ?err:bool -> ('a -> string) -> ('b -> string) -> string -> (unit -> 'a) -> (unit -> 'b) -> unit
val assert_equal_arg : ?throw:bool -> ?err:bool -> ('a -> string) -> ('b -> string) -> ('c -> string) -> ('c -> 'a) -> ('c -> 'b) -> 'c -> unit
val assert_equal_string : ?err:bool -> string -> (unit -> string) -> (unit -> string) -> unit
val gen_test_t : ?out_err:bool -> int -> int -> string -> unit

Simple test generation function

val gen_test_d : ?throw:bool -> ?canonize:string -> int -> int -> string -> unit
val gen : ?out_err:bool -> int -> int -> string -> unit
val gen_dir : int -> int -> string -> unit
val gen_qbank : ?really_test:bool -> ?override_login:string -> string -> int -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.