package boltzgen

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Functions for handling value generation except sum types

val evaluate : Type.sum_type -> unit

Build the type and add it to the type librairy

val named_of_string : string -> Type.named_type

Parse and build a type definition

val gen_string_of_compo : Type.recdefprint -> Type.compo_type -> string

Generate the to_string function for a type

val boltzman_memoize : (Type.compo_type * float, float * float) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t
val add_memoize : Type.compo_type -> float -> (float * float) -> unit
val equations_from_compo : Type.compo_type -> Type.poly_assoc -> Type.poly_assoc

return all boltzmann equations

val boltzman_from_compo : Type.compo_type -> Type.gen_function

Evaluate the boltzmann function for a type

val gen_from_compo : Stdlib.Random.State.t -> int -> Type.compo_type -> float -> Type.hidden_type * int

Generate a value for a type

val print_from_compo : Type.compo_type -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Type.hidden_type -> unit

Print a value given its type

val gen_random_fun_def : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> (Type.compo_type list * Type.compo_type, char) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t -> Type.func -> unit

Generate and print random functions with memoisation

val call_random : ?tsrange:(int * int) -> ?max_iter:int -> (Type.compo_type list * Type.compo_type, char) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t -> Stdlib.Random.State.t -> int -> float -> Type.func -> string

Generate and print a call for a function


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