package bun
Dune Dependency
v0.3.3 2019-05-24
use Lwt to manage processes (#7, by @talex5)
print crashes when killing a fuzzer in no-kill mode (#8, by @NathanReb)
do some CI maintenance (#10, by @yomimono)
v0.3.2 2018-05-01
use spawn v0.12 API (#5, @diml)
v0.3.1 2018-05-01
use alarms/pause instead of sleeping to prevent hanging around after fuzzers have terminated (fixes #3 reported by github user gasche - thanks!)
add a --max-cores option, to be considerate when appropriate (#2, by gasche)
add some tests and CI for this test and CI thing
v0.3 2018-04-04
set up input directory if the user hasn't already
avoid ugly invocation of whatsup before fuzzers have reported their status
v0.2 2018-03-29
better pathfinding for the fuzzer
add a no-kill mode (-n) to continue fuzzing after the first bug is found
dump the crash data when bun receives SIGUSR1
try harder to avoid CPU detection collisions
tighten up dependency specifications for opam
v0.1 2017-10-24
Initial pre-release.