package cactus

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type key
type value
type t
type cache
val empty_cache : unit -> cache

empty_cache () returns a fresh, empty cache.

val create : ?cache:cache -> ?record:string -> string -> t

create ?cache ?record root creates a btree storage in directory root. If no cache is specified each call to create opens a fresh instance. If record is specified then a trace is recorded in file record.

val replay : string -> ?prog:[ `None | `Single | `Multiple ] -> t -> unit

replay ?prog path t replays the operations stored in file path.

val init : root:string -> int -> read:(int -> string) -> t

init ~root n ~read performs a batch initialisation. read is an iterator-like function : read n reads the next n bindings and returns them in a single string chunk which is the concatenation of each key ^ value. init is (much) faster than adding each bindings one by one. It assumes that the bindings are sorted.

val reconstruct : string -> t

reconstruct root is like create root but assumes that the b.tree file in directory root is corrupted (nodes are possibly corrupted but the leaves are not impacted) and repairs it first.

val add : t -> key -> value -> unit
val remove : t -> key -> unit
val find : t -> key -> value
val mem : t -> key -> bool
val clear : t -> unit
val close : t -> unit
val flush : t -> unit
val iter : (key -> value -> unit) -> t -> unit
val iteri : (int -> key -> value -> unit) -> t -> unit
val length : t -> int

length t is the number of bindings in t

val pp : t Fmt.t
val snapshot : ?depth:int -> t -> unit

For every node/leaf in t which are at least depth away from the leaves, snapshot ~depth t, write in a file its rep as given by their corresponding pp function.

module Private : sig ... end

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