package chamo

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Configuration file of the ocaml mode.

val mode_name : string

The mode name.

val includes_global_var : string

Name of the global variable where includes are stored. These includes can be used to launch commands (compilation, analysis, ...) of edited ocaml files.

val rc_file : string

The user's configuration file.

val local_rc_file : string

The local configuration file.

val key_bindings : (Stk.Key.keystate list * string) list Ocf.conf_option

The option for the key bindings in the mode.

val stack_call_bgcolor : Stk.Color.t Ocf.conf_option

The background color used when showing non-tail calls.

val stack_call_fgcolor : Stk.Color.t Ocf.conf_option

The foreground color used when showing non-tail calls.

val read : unit -> unit

Read the configuration file.

val write : unit -> unit

Write the configuration file.

val add_sourceview_mode_ocaml_key_binding : Stk.Key.keystate list -> string -> unit
val add_sourceview_mode_ocaml_key_binding_string : string -> string -> unit
val ocamlbuild_commands : (string * string) list Ocf.conf_option

OCamlbuild commands associated to files.

val local_read : unit -> unit

Read the local configuration file.

val local_write : unit -> unit

Write the local configuration file.


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