package chamo

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


A buffer is a GSourceview.source_buffer with some additional methods.

method buffer : B.t
method set_syntax_mode : string option -> unit
method syntax_mode : string option
method text : ?start:int -> ?size:int -> unit -> string
method connect_view : int -> on_cursor_moved:((B.cursor * B.line_offset) -> unit) -> on_modified_changed:(bool -> unit) -> on_source_language_changed:(string option -> unit) -> unit
method disconnect_view : int -> unit

re_search forward ?start ?stop re searches form the given regular expression and returns the start and stop iters of the matched string. Regexp are searched using Pcre, so UTF-8 strings are handled.

  • parameter start

    can be used as start bound of the search.

  • parameter stop

    can be used as end bound of the search.

  • parameter forward

    indicates if search if forward true of backward false.


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