package conan

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type 'a fmt
type t = private
  1. | Node of (elt * t) list
  2. | Done
and elt
val serialize : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val serialize_elt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> elt -> unit
val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val depth : t -> int
val weight : t -> int
type operation = private
  1. | Rule : Offset.t * ('test, 'v) Ty.t * 'test Test.t * 'v fmt -> operation
  2. | Name : Offset.t * string -> operation
  3. | Use : {
    1. offset : Offset.t;
    2. invert : bool;
    3. name : string;
    } -> operation
  4. | MIME : string -> operation
  5. | Extension : string list -> operation
val pp_operation : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> operation -> unit
val serialize_operation : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> operation -> unit
val operation : elt -> operation
val fmt : 'a fmt -> unit -> ('a -> 'r, 'r) Fmt.fmt
val empty : t
val append : t -> ?filename:string -> ?line:int -> Parse.line -> t
val merge : t -> t -> t


module Unsafe : sig ... end

Innovation. Community. Security.