package coq-catt-plugin

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
A Coq plugin for the catt proof-assistant


Dune Dependency






A Coq plugin to interpret terms built in the catt proof assistant as functions computing on higher dimensional identity types


Catt - An infinity categorical coherence typechecker

Catt is an implementation of a type system checking coherences in Grothendieck-Maltsiotis ω-categories. The underlying type theoretical translation is described by Finster-Mimram.

This is my personnal implementation of this theory. For a more complete implementation, which also accounts for different flavours of semi-strict ω-categories, check out Other implementations that are now superseeded are Samuel Mimram's OCaml version, and Eric Finster's Haskell version.

There is an online version of this implementation.


Installing from opam


Installing from source with opam

Make sure opam is installed, clone the project and move to the directory where you cloned it, then run the following to install catt:

opam install ./catt.opam

The Coq plugin can be installed with the following command

opam install ./coq-catt-plugin.opam

Building from source with dune and opam

Make sure opam is installed, clone the project and move to the directory where you cloned it.

To build catt locally, run the following commands:

opam install --deps-only ./catt.opam
dune build catt.install

To build the Coq plugin, run the following commands:

opam install --deps-only ./coq-catt-plugin.opam
dune build coq-catt-plugin.install

Using nix

This repository contains a flake.nix file that defines the packages catt and coq-catt-plugin, as well as catt-mode, an editing mode for catt in emacs.


There are two keywords to define a new operation:

  • Firstly, the coh keyword, used as follows:

    coh name ps : ty

    defines a primitive coherence with arguments ps being a context representing a pasting scheme and ty being the return type.

  • Secondly, the let keyword, used as follows:

    let name args : ty = tm
    let name args = tm

    declares an operation with arguments args and whose definition is tm. The type ty can be specified to be checked or left implicit.


catt is a theory of unbiased ω-categories, which means that one can declare composites of any arity. For instance, the binary and ternary composites can be defined as follows:

coh binarycomp (x : *) (y : *) (f : x -> y) (z : *) (g : y -> z) : x -> z
coh ternarycomp (x : *) (y : *) (f : x -> y) (z : *) (g : y -> z) (w : *) (h : z -> w) : x -> w

Similarly, the identity cell can be defined as follows:

coh identity (x : *) : x -> x

Higher-dimensional cells witnessing weak laws involving the composites and the identities cells, such as unitors and associators, can then be defined as follows:

coh unit (x : *) (y : *) (f : x -> y) : binarycomp f (identity y) -> f
coh assoc (x : *) (y : *) (f : x -> y) (z : *) (g : y -> z) (w : *) (h : z -> w) : binarycomp (binarycomp f g) h -> binarycomp f (binarycomp g h)

More composition operations exist for higher-dimensional cells: for instance for 2-cells we can define the vertical composition, the horizontal compositions and the left and right whiskerings:

coh vert (x : *) (y : *) (f : x -> y) (g : x -> y) (h : x -> y) (a : f -> g) (b : g -> h) : f -> h
coh horiz (x : *) (y : *) (f : x -> y) (g : x -> y) (a : f -> g) (z : *) (h : y -> z) (k : y -> z) (b : h -> k) : binarycomp f h -> binarycomp g k
coh whiskl (x : *) (y : *) (f : x -> y) (z : *) (g : y -> z) (h : y -> z) (a : g -> h) : binarycomp f g -> binarycomp f h
coh whiskr (x : *) (y : *) (f : x -> y) (g : x -> z) (a : f -> g) (z : *) (h : y -> z) : binarycomp f h -> binarycomp g h

These coherences can be combined together to define terms in arbitrary contexts. For instance, the square of an endomorphism can be defined using the binary composite as follows:

let sq (x : *) (f : x -> x) : x -> x = binarycomp f f

while the following defines a biased ternary composite built from combining binary composites:

let ternarycomp (x : *) (y : *) (f : x -> y) (z : *) (g : y -> z) (w : *) (h : z -> w) : x -> w = binarycomp (binarycomp f g)

Additional features

Changing settings

There are a few settings that control the exact behaviour of catt. These settings can be set and unset at any point during typechecking using the command:


The simplest setting is verbosity, which can be set to a number from 0 to 5. Boolean settings are set using the values t for true and f for false.

Implicit arguments

For each operation, some of its arguments can always be inferred, so by default they are left implicit. Specifically, all arguments that already appear in the type of another argument are by default implicit. This can be turned off at any point with the following instruction:

set explicit_substitutions = t

For instance, the unitor using explicit arguments can be defined as follows:

set explicit_substitutions = t
coh unit_explicit (x : *) (y : *) (f : x -> y) : binarycomp x y f y (id y) -> f
set explicit_substitutions = f

The notation @ before the name of an operation is a way to indicate that all arguments are going to be specified for this operation. It provides a local way of turning off the implicit arguments. For instance, one may define the associator as follows:

coh assoc (x(f)y(g)z(h)w) : @binarycomp x y f w (binarycomp g h) -> binarycomp (binarycomp f g) h


Sometimes, more arguments can be inferred, and these may be replaced by the wildcard symbol _. For instance, the unitor can be defined as follows:

coh unit_wild (x : *) (y : *) (f : x -> y) : binarycomp f (identity _) -> f

Reduced syntax for coherence

This feature has been taken from One can exploit the fact that pasting schemes are equivalent to well-parenthesised expressions to give a more concise syntax for them. For instance, one, can define the composition of two 1-cells as follows:

coh binarycomp (x(f)y(g)z) : x -> z

Internally, these parenthesised expressions are reduced to contexts and are treated the same way.

This syntax can also be used in let definitions, for instance:

let comp2-bis (x(f)y(g)z) = comp2 f g

Built-in compositions and identities

Some useful coherences are built-in. This allows for two things: first, it is not necessary as a user to define those coherences that already exist, and, secondly, it allows to have an internal hardcoded mechanism to manage coherence schemes instead of single coherences. The built-ins can be deactivated via the command-line as follows catt --no-builtins [FILE] or dune exec -- catt --no-builtin [FILE]. When built-ins are activated, the user is prevented from defining terms or operations that have the same name as a built-in.


The identity coherence previously defined is also saved as a built-in under the name id. Thus one can always just use id without the need to define it first.


The variadic composition of 1-cells is also defined as built-in, and named comp. The name comp is thus more than a single coherence but a family of coherences. When applied to n arguments, it produces the n-ary composite. In practice this means that one can write

coh unbias (x : *) (y : *) (f : x -> y) (z : *) (g : y -> z) (w : *) (h : z -> w) : comp (comp f g) h -> comp f g h

where here the same name comp is used for the binary composition and the ternary one.


The unitor defined above can be defined directly using the the built-ins, not requiring to introduce coherences for the composition and identity before

coh unit (x(f)y) : comp f (id _) -> f

More compact description of contexts

In a context one can write a list of arguments if they share the same type, in order to simplify the notations. For instance:

let comp-binary (x y z : *) (f : x -> y) (g : y -> z) = comp f g


Every definition can be automatically raised to a higher dimension by suspension. Formally this amounts to replacing the type of object * with an arrow type. For instance, the identity coherence on 1-cells can be defined as the suspension of the identity coherence on 0-cells. We provide a way to express this, by using the ! in front of the name to indicate that it should be suspended. The following two definitions define the same term, representing the identity on 1-cells

coh identity1cells (x(f)y) : f -> f
let identity1cells (x : *) (y : *) (f : x -> y) : f -> f = !id f

By default, the suspensions can be left implicit and the system will automatically insert the suspension at the right places. For instance, one can define the vertical composition of 2-cells, which is the suspension of the composition of 0-cells as follows

let vertical_comp (x : *) (y : *) (f : x -> y) (g : x -> y) (a : f -> g) (h : x -> y) (b : g -> h)
                  : f -> h = comp a b

The implicit use of suspensions can be deactivated with

set implicit_suspension = f

Semantically, taking the suspension of a term representing an operation of ω-categories amounts to considering the same operation for the ω-categorical structure of the hom-globular set. A complete account of the construction of the suspension and semantical interpretation is given in this article.


The language of catt is invariant under the operation of formally reversing all the directions of the cells in a given dimension. We call this operation an opposite, and it is provided by the following syntax

op { [NUMBERS] } (TERM)

where the numbers indicate in which dimensions one is taking the opposite. For instance, consider the folloiwng example:

let opwhiskl (x : *) (y : *) (z : *) (f : x -> y) (f' : x -> y) (a : f -> f') (g : y -> z)
    = op { 1 } (whiskl g a)

whiskl g a is not well defined in the given context since that would require the target of g to be the source of the source of a which is not the case. However, taking the 1-opposite formally reverses the direction of the 1-cells, and this typing condition then requires the target of the target of a to be the source of g, which is the case in the given context (both are y). So this definition is valid. The 1-opposite of the right whiskering is the left whiskering and in the above example the term op { 1 } (whiskl g a) actually computes to whiskr a g.

One can take opposites with respect to several directions at once by inputting a list of numbers as follows:

let opwhiskl-bis (x : *) (y : *) (z : *) (f : x -> y) (f' : x -> y) (a : f -> f') (g : y -> z)
    = op { 1 2 } (whiskl g a)

In the presence of a suspension, the opposite is always computed first, then the term is suspended. For instance, considering the previous example, one can write

op { 1 } (whiskl g a)

even when g is a 2-cell and a is a 3-cell. The result will be a 2-dimensional opposite of the suspended term. This allows to keep the suspension silent, but and is justified by the fact that taking a opposites in any dimension less than k of a k suspended term leaves the suspended term invariant, so there is never a reason to write an opposite after a suspension as opposed to before.

Semantically, taking the opposite of a term representing an operation of ω-categories amounts to considering the same operation for the ω-categorical structure of the opposite globular set. An account of the algorithm used to compute the opposite and its semantical interpretation is given in this article.

Inverses and invertibility witnesses

Some terms, like the associators or identities, are weakly invertible. It is actually syntactically easy to decide whether a term is invertible. If a term only contains variables of dimension lower than itself, then it is invertible. Conversely, when it contains at least one variable of the same dimension as itself, it is not invertible. catt can automatically compute a chosen inverse for the terms which are invertible, as well as a cancellation witness (i.e., a cell going from the composite of the cell with its chosen inverse to an identity). A complete account of the algorithms we use to compute the chosen inverses and cancellation witnesses can be found in this article.


Computing a chosen inverse of an invertible term can be done by the following syntax:


For instance the associator and its chosen inverse of the associator can be given as follows:

coh assoc (x(f)y(g)z(h)w) :  comp (comp f g) h -> comp f (comp g h)
let assoc- (x : *) (y : *) (f : x -> y) (z : *) (g : y -> z) (w : *) (h : z -> w) : comp f (comp g h) -> comp (comp f g) h = I (assoc f g h)

In this case, the chosen inverse is the associator going the opposite direction. There are more complex cases, where one has, for instance, a composite of associators. In this case, the chosen inverse will be a composite of the inverse associators in the opposite order.

Invertibility witness

Not only can catt compute some chosen inverses, but it can also compute any part of the coinductively defined data that makes up the invertibility. This is done by computing cancellation witnesses, which are given by the syntax


Given an invertible term t of type u -> v, the cancellation witness U t is a cell of type comp t (I t) -> id (u). For instance, here is the cancellation witness for the associator and its inverse:

let assocU (x : *) (y : *) (f : x -> y) (z : *) (g : y -> z) (w : *) (h : z -> w) : comp (assoc f g h) (assoc- f g h) -> id (comp (comp f g) h)

In this case, the cancellation witness is a single coherence, but more complex cases are possible, like for the case of a composite of associators, where the cancellation witness successively uses the cancellation witnesses of the associators and reassociates the whole term.

All the rest of the inveritbility data can be obtained by combining U and I and iterating U. Indeed, the procedure computing U t always produce a term that is itself invertible, so on which one can call I and U. Moreover, one can get the other cancellation witness of type comp (I t) t -> id v as U (I t) since I is involutive.

Functoriality of coherences and terms

All the coherences that one can define are functorial in their codimension-0 arguments, and this fact is also part of the implementation. The argument with respect to which the functoriality is applied is specified between square brackets. For instance the right whiskering can be seen as the functoriality of the composition with respect to its first argument, which can be thought of as making the cell a act in the context of comp f g to change it into comp f' g.

let whiskr (x : *) (y : *) (f : x -> y) (f' : x -> y) (a : f -> f')
                   (z : *) (g : y -> z)
	   : comp f g -> comp f' g = comp [a] g

One can also use fuctoriality with respect to multiple variables at the same time. For instance, the horizontal composition of two 2-cells is the functoriality of the composition with respect to both its arguments.

let horiz (x : *) (y : *) (f : x -> y) (f' : x -> y) (a : f -> f')
                  (z : *) (g : y -> z) (g' : y -> z) (b : g -> g')
 	  : comp f g -> comp f' g' = comp [a] [b]

The functorialisation also works recursively for arbitrary terms. Given any term and a variable in that term of the same dimension as the term, catt can compute the functorialisation of the term with respect to this argument, which is again specified syntactically by square brackets in the applciation.

This is partially described in this thesis. A more complete account is in preparation.

Naturality of the coherences and terms

Given a coherence or a term and an upwards closed subset of variables of codimension at most 1 in it, catt can compute the witness of naturality of this term with respect to that set of variables. This is again indicated with square bracket around the corresponding arguments of the applciation. In order to mark implicit arguements, we provide the construct @, which when given before a name indicates that the substitution in this case is explicit. This for instance lets us define the square composite as follows:

let sqcomp (x : *) (y : *) (z : *) (x' : *) (y' : *) (z ' : *)
           (f : x -> y) (g : y -> z) (f' : x' -> y') (g' : y' -> z')
           (xx : x -> x') (yy : y -> y') (zz : z -> z')
           (a : comp f yy -> comp xx f') (b : comp g zz -> comp yy g')
           : comp (comp f g) zz -> comp xx (comp f' g')
           = @comp [_] [_] [a] [_] [b]

It also lets us define the composite of a square with a triangle as follows:

let trcomp (x : *) (y : *) (z : *) (y' : *) (z ' : *)
           (f : x -> y) (g : y -> z) (f' : x -> y') (g' : y' -> z')
           (yy : y -> y') (zz : z -> z')
           (a : comp f yy -> f') (b : comp g zz -> comp yy g')
           : comp (comp f g) zz -> comp f' g'
           = @comp _ [_] [a] [_] [b]

A formal account of this principle is in preparation.


The --debug flag

Calling catt --debug [FILE] will make it so that if there is an error in the file, the program will not abort, but show a menu where the user can either abort the program, ignore the error and keep checking the file, or drop in an interactive mode. For the last option, the environment of the interactive is that at the point of failure, so any coherence defined in the file causing the failure before that point is directly accessible and usable.

The --no-builtins flag

Calling catt --no-builtin [FILE] will deactivate the use of the built-in identities and composition, allowing the user to define their own coherences or terms named id and comp.

The --keep-going flag

Calling catt --keep-going [FILE] will make it so that catt will report errors but will keep running on the file and exit with a success even if the file does not typecheck properly. This is not the default behaviour, as in a typical use case, later definitions depend on earlier ones, so if a defined coherence or term is invalid, all further coherences and terms depending on it also fail. This option is useful for scripting and testing.

Coq plugin

catt also provide a plugin for the proof assistant coq (packaged separately, called coq-catt-plugin), that allows one to export any defined term in catt into a function computing higher identity witnesses in coq. Once the plugin is installed, write the following to load it at the head of a coq file:

From Catt Require Import Loader.

You can then use the Catt command in coq as follows:


where [NAMES] is a list of names of catt terms and [PATH] is a file containing the definition of those catt terms. Upon evaluation of this line, coq will call catt on the given file and export the listed terms into coq terms, whose names will be given as catt_[NAME]. For instance, one can write the following:

Catt "whiskr" From File "../example/file.catt".

Print catt_whiskr.

Dependencies (3)

  1. coq >= "8.20"
  2. catt
  3. dune >= "3.16"

Dev Dependencies (1)

  1. odoc with-doc

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