package core

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Industrial strength alternative to OCaml's standard library


Dune Dependency





Release v0.17.0

  • Bool.Stable.V1:

    • Add hash.

    • Expose a comparator, type-equal to the unstable one.

  • Timezones can be used from javascript targets without needing to bundle and serve a copy of the unix timezone database.

  • Add support for @@deriving diff to core.

  • Bigstring:

    • Remove max_mem_waiting_gc_in_bytes parameter from Bigstring.create

    • Add functions:

      • Bigstring.unsafe_memset for filling a range with a character without bounds checks

      • Bigstring.memcmp_string for efficient comparison between Bigstring and string data

      • Bigstring.get_string and some variants of it, as alternatives to Bigstring.to_string. These are nice because they follow the convention of the Bigstring.get_int* functions, and in particular avoid optional arguments.

  • Remove Diffable_comparable from core. It is no longer necessary now that Map and Set include Diffable.S.

  • Make Map and Set implement Diffable.S.

  • Updated Container.Generic to allow two phantom type parameters.

  • Make Error, Result, Or_error, Percent, String_id.S, Date, Span and Ofday implement Diffable.S.

  • Added Utf8, Utf16le, Utf16be, Utf32le and Utf32be submodules to Uchar and String for Unicode encoding support.

  • Add a Binary submodule to Int, Int32, etc, which provide to_string and sexp_of_t with syntax matching the OCaml binary int literal syntax.

  • Add Quickcheck generator to Uchar.t and add Quickcheck generators to String for generating valid Unicode strings in different encodings.

  • Update the type of Quickcheck.Generator.create and Quickcheck.Generator.generate to use Splittable_random.t instead of Splittable_random.State.t. The former is simply a shorter alias for the latter.

  • Byte_units:

    • Add [@@deriving typerep]

    • Add quickcheck gen_incl and gen_uniform_incl.

  • Add add_validate_parsing_flag parameter to, enabling a -validate-parsing flag in all subcommands. The command immediately exits with a return code of 0 if argument parsing is successful.

  • Add Bin_prot support for writing locally-allocated values in Array, Bigstring, Blang, Bool, Bytes, Char, Date, Either, Filename, Float, Int, Int32, Int64, Lazy, List, Maybe_bound, Nativeint, Option, Ref, Result, String, Unit

  • Add Bin_prot.Writer.to_bigstring and Bin_prot.Reader.of_bigstring, for converting directly between a value and a buffer containing precisely the serialization of that value.

  • Add Binable.S_local interface, reflecting support for writing locally-allocated values.

  • Add Comparable support for locally-allocated values in Lazy

  • Add [@@deriving equal] to a number of stable types: Byte_units.Stable.V2, Day_of_week.Stable.V1, Either.Stable.V1, Fdeque.Stable.V1, Fqueue.Stable.V1, Int63.Stable.V1, List.Stable.V1, Md5.Stable.V1, Nothing.Stable.V1, Percent.Stable.V3, Pid.Stable.V1, Queue.Stable.V1, Result.Stable.V1, Set_once.Stable.V1, Source_code_position.Stable.V1, Unit.Stable.V2

  • Add [@@deriving equal] to types exposed by Perms.

  • Expose the fact that Pid.t is an immediate.

  • Add Char.Stable.

  • Add Comparable.Extend_plain, which is like Comparable.Extend but only requires sexp_of_t and not t_of_sexp.

  • Remove or limit usage of [@@deriving fields] to reduce bloat in: Command.Shape, Gc, Source_code_position

  • Add Float.Stable.V1.globalize

  • Changes in Gc to support the OCaml 5 runtime:

    • In documentation for Gc.Stat, indicate heap_words, heap_chunks, free_blocks, largest_free, top_heap_words, and stack_size metrics are not available in OCaml 5 runtime, defaulting to 0.

    • In documentation for Gc.Control:

      • Include behavior under OCaml 5 runtime for minor_heap_size, detailing the total size of the minor heap across active domains.

      • Update default space_overhead value documentation to reflect differences between OCaml 4 and OCaml 5 runtimes.

      • Add new flag 0x400 to Control.verbose for outputting GC statistics at program exit in OCaml 5 runtime.

      • Update Gc.stat and quick_stat function documentation to reflect behavior differences between OCaml 4 and OCaml 5 runtimes, emphasizing approximation of GC statistics in OCaml 5 due to per-domain buffers.

      • Clarify counters function's return values may differ between quick_stat and itself under OCaml 5 runtime, detailing accuracy in single-domain scenarios.

      • Note potential overflow of integers returned by GC statistics functions on 32-bit machines and clarify accuracy of minor_words in byte-code versus native code programs.

  • Additional Gc support for locally-allocated values.

  • Add Sexp_grammar support to Char.Stable.V1, Filename.Stable.V1, Host_and_port, Maybe_bound.Stable.V1, Nothing.Stable.V1 Time_ns.Ofday.Stable.V1, Result.Stable.V1, Time_ns.Ofday.Stable.V1, Time_ns.Span.Stable.V1

  • Add Host_and_port.Hide_port_in_tests, re-exposing the type with test-friendly serialization which elides the port.

  • Deprecate List.stable_dedup_staged and Set.stable_dedup_list in favor of List.stable_dedup

  • Deprecate Map.comparator in favor of Map.Comparator.Module.t

  • Add new Map functions:

    • Map.of_list_with_key_fold to resolve duplicate keys by folding values.

    • Map.of_list_with_key_reduce to resolve duplicate keys by reducing values.

    • Map.unzip to transform a map of tuples into a tuple of maps.

    • Map.merge_disjoint_exn to merge two maps with disjoint keys, raising an exception if any keys overlap.

    • Map.sum and Map.sumi for summing values with a provided summable type and function.

  • Add [@@deriving sexp_of] to Substring.

  • Improve Time.to_sec_string documentation.

  • Add fast, approximate rounding functions to Time_ns.Span.

  • Add Time_ns.O and Time_ns.Span.O, containing infix operators.

  • Improve Time_ns.next_multiple and Time_ns.prev_multiple documentation.

  • Add For_testing.reset_counter to Unique_id.Id.

  • Add support for validating locally-allocated values to Validated.

  • Add new functions to Univ_map:

    • key_id_set, exposing the set of raw Uid keys

    • find_packed_by_id and find_packed_by_id_exn, allowing lookup by raw Uid key

Release v0.16.0

Changes that affect multiple modules:

  • Replaced references to Caml with Stdlib.

  • Added stable_witness values to many stable-version submodules.

  • Added support for locally-allocated values.

    • Added [@local] to many function arguments, especially closures.

    • Added [@local_opt] to primitives, and exported more primitives explicitly.

    • Added deriving globalize to some types.

Changes to individual modules:

  • Array: Added fold_map and fold_mapi.

  • Bigstring:

    • Added get_head_padded_fixed_string_local, get_tail_padded_fixed_string_local, and write_bin_prot_known_size.

    • Updated documentation for unsafe_destroy.

  • Binable: Removed deprecated functor aliases.

  • Binary_searchable: Added S0_permissions signature.

  • Bounded_index: Added zero_based_index and num_indexes.

  • Byte_units: Add abs, sign, and neg.

  • Command:

    • Moved to its own library. Still re-exported from Core.

    • Removed references to Core-dependent types.

    • No longer exports process-management functions.

    • Added Command.basic_or_error.

    • Added Arg_type.parse and Arg_type.autocomplete.

    • Added Flag.escape_with_autocomplete, Flag.no_arg_required, and Flag.no_arg_abort.

    • Removed deprecated function Flag.one_or_more.

    • Added Param.choose_one_non_optional, Param.optional_to_required, and Param.parse.

  • Comparable:

    • Renamed Polymorphic_compare to Comparisons.

    • Added Stable.V1.With_stable_witness.Make.

  • Container: Added S0_permissions and S1_with_creators_permissions.

  • Date:

    • Document caveats for functions based on is_weekday or is_weekend.

    • Add round_forward_to_weekday, round_backward_to_weekday, round_forward_to_business_day, and round_backward_to_business_day.

    • Add Stable.V1.Option.to_int and Stable.V1.Option.of_int_exn.

  • Day_of_week:

    • Add deriving sexp_grammar and typerep.

    • Add deriving sexp_grammar to Stable.V1.

  • Doubly_linked: Add first_exn and last_exn.

  • Filename: split out Filename_base library for parts not dependent on Core.

  • Float: add Stable.V1.

  • Gc:

    • Add Stat.add.

    • Add stat_size.

    • Remove prepare_heap_to_count_minor_allocation.

  • Hashable: Add Stable.V1.With_stable_witness.

  • Hashtbl: Add Make_stable and Make_stable_with_hashable.

  • Hash_queue: Add to_alist, replace_or_enqueue, replace_or_enqueue_front, and replace_or_enqueue_back.

  • Hash_set: Add Make_stable and Make_stable_with_hashable.

  • Heap_block: Moved to its own Heap_block library.

  • Identifiable: Add Make_plain_using_comparator.

  • Indexed_container: Added this module. It exports S1_permissions and S1_with_creators_permissions, defined by analogy to the same names in Container.

  • Info: Added Stable.V2.t_sexp_grammar.

  • Int: Exported comparator_witness equivalence with Base.Int.

  • Int63:

    • Exported comparator_witness equivalence with Base.Int.

    • Added Stable.V1.

  • Lazy: Exported t_stable_witness.

  • List: remove deprecated function stable_dedup.

  • Map:

    • Removed creator/accessor signatures except *_generic versions.

    • Made t injective in all three type parameters.

    • Replaced references to comparator type with Comparator.Module.t.

    • Removed deprecated type alias comparator.

    • Reworded documentation on Tree types.

    • Added quickcheck_observer and quickcheck_shrinker to S_plain.

    • Added of_list_with_key, of_list_with_key_or_error, of_list_with_key_exn, of_list_with_key_multi, split_le_gt, split_lt_ge, and transpose_keys.

    • Added Make_applicative_traversals, providing mapi and filter_mapi that operate lazily inside an applicative.

    • Added Stable.V1.With_stable_witness.

  • Maybe_bound:

    • Added deriving equal and hash to t, As_lower_bound.t, and As_upper_bound.t.

  • Option:

    • Added deriving equal and hash to Stable.V1.

  • Or_error:

    • Deprecated Expect_test_config_with_unit_expect, as [%expect] now always has type unit.

  • Percent:

    • Addressed round-trippability via strings and sexps.

      • Added to_string_round_trippable.

      • Documented caveats about Stringable and Sexpable implementations.

      • Documented caveats on Stable.V1.

      • Added Stable.V2 based on t_of_sexp / sexp_of_t and documented caveats.

      • Added Stable.V3 as a fully round-trippable version.

      • Made similar updates to Option.Stable.

      • Documented caveats on Always_percentage.

      • Added Almost_round_trippable as a more human-readable format than Stable.V3.

    • Addressed precision issues.

      • Added *_slow_more_accurate versions of of_percentage, to_percentage, of_bp, and to_bp.

      • Documented caveats on the original versions.

    • Added t_sexp_grammar, one_hundred_percent.

  • Pid: Added deriving quickcheck.

  • Quickcheck: Updated implementation and documentation of geometric. Swapped argument order.

  • Sequence: Added inlined records to Step.t.

  • Set:

    • Removed creator/accessor signatures except *_generic versions.

    • Replaced references to comparator type with Comparator.Module.t.

    • Added comparator_s.

    • Updated documentation of split.

    • Added split_le_gt and split_lt_ge.

    • Added Stable.V1.With_Stable_Witness.

  • Set_once:

    • Added documentation of equal semantics.

    • Added deriving compare and equal.

  • Sexp: Added deriving equal and sexp_grammar to Stable.V1.t.

  • String_id:

    • Documented shared bin shape for all modules created by Make.

    • Added Make_with_distinct_bin_shape.

  • Time_float: Updated deprecation messages to mention Time_float_unix instead of Time_unix.

  • Time_ns:

    • Added deriving equal and hash to Stable.V1.Ofday.

    • Added more of_int_* conversions to Span.

    • Added optional Random.State argument to Span.randomize.

    • Removed deprecated submodules from Stable.

    • Exported Option submodule.

    • Exported Stable submodule.

    • Exported V1, Option.V1, and Option.V2 from Span.Stable.

    • Added deriving hash, equal, and sexp_grammar to Span.Stable.V2.

  • Tuple: Added T2.map_both and T3.map_all.

  • Unit: Added Stable.V2 with zero-width bin-io.

  • Univ_map: Moved to its own Univ_map library.

  • Validated: Added S_allowing_substitution.


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