package core_extended

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module type S = sig ... end

The default universe is shared among many clients. The specific integer values of interned strings should not be considered stable or predictable.

include S
include Immediate_kernel.S_no_option
type t
include Typerep_lib.Typerepable.S with type t := t
val typename_of_t : t Typerep_lib.Typename.t
include Ppx_hash_lib.Hashable.S with type t := t
val globalize : t -> t
include Core.Identifiable.S with type t := t
include Bin_prot.Binable.S with type t := t
include Bin_prot.Binable.S_only_functions with type t := t
val bin_size_t : t Bin_prot.Size.sizer
val bin_write_t : t Bin_prot.Write.writer
val bin_read_t : t Bin_prot.Read.reader
val __bin_read_t__ : (int -> t) Bin_prot.Read.reader

This function only needs implementation if t exposed to be a polymorphic variant. Despite what the type reads, this does *not* produce a function after reading; instead it takes the constructor tag (int) before reading and reads the rest of the variant t afterwards.

val bin_shape_t : Bin_prot.Shape.t
val bin_writer_t : t Bin_prot.Type_class.writer
val bin_reader_t : t Bin_prot.Type_class.reader
include Ppx_hash_lib.Hashable.S with type t := t
include Sexplib0.Sexpable.S with type t := t
val t_of_sexp : Sexplib0__.Sexp.t -> t
include Ppx_compare_lib.Comparable.S with type t := t
include Ppx_hash_lib.Hashable.S with type t := t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val of_string : string -> t
val to_string : t -> string
val pp : Base__.Formatter.t -> t -> unit
include Core.Comparable.S_binable with type t := t
include Base.Comparable.S with type t := t
val (>=) : t -> t -> bool
val (<=) : t -> t -> bool
val (=) : t -> t -> bool
val (>) : t -> t -> bool
val (<) : t -> t -> bool
val (<>) : t -> t -> bool
val compare : t -> t -> int
val min : t -> t -> t
val max : t -> t -> t
val ascending : t -> t -> int
val descending : t -> t -> int
val between : t -> low:t -> high:t -> bool
val clamp_exn : t -> min:t -> max:t -> t
val clamp : t -> min:t -> max:t -> t Base__.Or_error.t
type comparator_witness
val validate_lbound : min:t Core.Maybe_bound.t -> t Validate.check
val validate_ubound : max:t Core.Maybe_bound.t -> t Validate.check
val validate_bound : min:t Core.Maybe_bound.t -> max:t Core.Maybe_bound.t -> t Validate.check
module Replace_polymorphic_compare : sig ... end
include Core.Hashable.S_binable with type t := t
include Ppx_hash_lib.Hashable.S with type t := t
val hash_fold_t : t Base__Ppx_hash_lib.hash_fold
val hash : t -> Base__Ppx_hash_lib.Std.Hash.hash_value
val hashable : t Core__.Hashtbl.Hashable.t
module Table : Core.Hashtbl.S_binable with type key = t
module Hash_set : Core.Hash_set.S_binable with type elt = t
module Hash_queue : Core.Hash_queue.S with type key = t
include Core.Equal.S with type t := t
val equal : t Base__Equal.equal
include Core.Quickcheckable with type t := t
val quickcheck_generator : t Base_quickcheck.Generator.t
val quickcheck_observer : t Base_quickcheck.Observer.t
val quickcheck_shrinker : t Base_quickcheck.Shrinker.t x y = (to_string x) (to_string y)

val length : t -> int
val get : t -> int -> char
val of_char : char -> t
val mem : t -> char -> bool
include Core.Intable with type t := t
val of_int_exn : int -> t
val to_int_exn : t -> int
val unsafe_to_int : t -> int
val unsafe_of_int : int -> t
val empty : t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val unsafe_of_bigstring : pos:int -> len:int -> Core.Bigstring.t -> t
val of_iobuf_peek : ?pos:int -> ?len:int -> ([> ], _) Iobuf.t -> t
val of_iobuf_consume : ?len:int -> ([> ], Iobuf.t -> t
val to_iobuf_poke : t -> ?pos:int -> (Core.read_write, _) Iobuf.t -> unit
val to_iobuf_fill : t -> (Core.read_write, Iobuf.t -> unit
module Padded : sig ... end

WARNING: using the padded functions to convert to a bigstring / iobuf will ignore ~len arguments that are less than the length of the source t!

val unsafe_get : t -> int -> char
val unsafe_of_iobuf_peek : pos:int -> len:int -> ([> ], _) Iobuf.t -> t
val unsafe_of_iobuf_consume : len:int -> ([> ], Iobuf.t -> t
val unsafe_to_iobuf_poke : t -> pos:int -> (Core.read_write, _) Iobuf.t -> unit
val unsafe_to_iobuf_fill : t -> (Core.read_write, Iobuf.t -> unit
val unsafe_to_bigstring : t -> pos:int -> Core.Bigstring.t -> unit
module Stats : sig ... end
val grow_by : int -> unit

grow_by n ensures that the intern table can hold at least n additional entries without resizing (again). This is useful for applications which must not pause online for the (substantial) time required to rehash a large intern table.

val after_grow : (before:Core.Time_ns.t -> len_before:int -> len:int -> unit) -> unit

after_grow f registers a growth logger. f will be called immediately after every growth of the intern table, with the time and size before and the size after.

f would typically call to learn the time after.

module Stable : sig ... end
module Option : sig ... end
val of_string_no_intern : string -> Option.t
val of_local_string : string -> t
module Universe : sig ... end

Creating a new universe mints a new interned string type with a new intern table.


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