package core_kernel

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

This module extends Base.Uniform_array with bin_io.

type 'a t = 'a Base.Uniform_array.t
include Bin_prot.Binable.S1 with type 'a t := 'a t
val bin_shape_t : Bin_prot.Shape.t -> Bin_prot.Shape.t
val bin_size_t : ('a, 'a t) Bin_prot.Size.sizer1
val bin_write_t : ('a, 'a t) Bin_prot.Write.writer1
val bin_read_t : ('a, 'a t) Bin_prot.Read.reader1
val __bin_read_t__ : ('a, int -> 'a t) Bin_prot.Read.reader1
val bin_writer_t : ('a, 'a t) Bin_prot.Type_class.S1.writer
val bin_reader_t : ('a, 'a t) Bin_prot.Type_class.S1.reader
val bin_t : ('a, 'a t) Bin_prot.Type_class.S1.t
include Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexpable.S1 with type 'a t := 'a t
include module type of struct include Base.Uniform_array end with type 'a t := 'a t
include Base.Sexpable.S1 with type 'a t := 'a t
val t_of_sexp : (Base.Sexp.t -> 'a) -> Base.Sexp.t -> 'a t
val sexp_of_t : ('a -> Base.Sexp.t) -> 'a t -> Base.Sexp.t
val invariant : _ t -> unit
val empty : _ t
val create : len:int -> 'a -> 'a t
val singleton : 'a -> 'a t
val init : int -> f:(int -> 'a) -> 'a t
val length : 'a t -> int
val get : 'a t -> int -> 'a
val unsafe_get : 'a t -> int -> 'a
val set : 'a t -> int -> 'a -> unit
val unsafe_set : 'a t -> int -> 'a -> unit
val swap : _ t -> int -> int -> unit
val unsafe_set_omit_phys_equal_check : 'a t -> int -> 'a -> unit

unsafe_set_omit_phys_equal_check is like unsafe_set, except it doesn't do a phys_equal check to try to skip caml_modify. It is safe to call this even if the values are phys_equal.

val map : 'a t -> f:('a -> 'b) -> 'b t
val iter : 'a t -> f:('a -> unit) -> unit
val of_array : 'a array -> 'a t

of_array and to_array return fresh arrays with the same contents rather than returning a reference to the underlying array.

val to_array : 'a t -> 'a array
val of_list : 'a list -> 'a t
val to_list : 'a t -> 'a list
include Base.Blit.S1 with type 'a t := 'a t
val blit : src:'a t -> src_pos:int -> dst:'a t -> dst_pos:int -> len:int -> unit
val blito : src:'a t -> ?src_pos:int -> ?src_len:int -> dst:'a t -> ?dst_pos:int -> unit -> unit
val unsafe_blit : src:'a t -> src_pos:int -> dst:'a t -> dst_pos:int -> len:int -> unit
val sub : 'a t -> pos:int -> len:int -> 'a t
val subo : ?pos:int -> ?len:int -> 'a t -> 'a t
val copy : 'a t -> 'a t
val unsafe_truncate : _ t -> len:int -> unit

unsafe_truncate t ~len shortens t's length to len. It is an error if len <= 0 or len > length t. It's unsafe to truncate in the middle of iteration.

  • deprecated [since 2019-07] It will be removed in the future

Extra lowlevel and unsafe functions

val unsafe_create_uninitialized : len:int -> _ t

The behavior is undefined if you access an element before setting it.

val create_obj_array : len:int -> Caml.Obj.t t

New obj array filled with Obj.repr 0

val unsafe_set_assuming_currently_int : Caml.Obj.t t -> int -> Caml.Obj.t -> unit

unsafe_set_assuming_currently_int t i obj sets index i of t to obj, but only works correctly if the value there is an immediate, i.e. Caml.Obj.is_int (get t i). This precondition saves a dynamic check.

unsafe_set_int_assuming_currently_int is similar, except the value being set is an int.

unsafe_set_int is similar but does not assume anything about the target.

val unsafe_set_int_assuming_currently_int : Caml.Obj.t t -> int -> int -> unit
val unsafe_set_int : Caml.Obj.t t -> int -> int -> unit
val unsafe_clear_if_pointer : Caml.Obj.t t -> int -> unit

unsafe_clear_if_pointer t i prevents t.(i) from pointing to anything to prevent space leaks. It does this by setting t.(i) to Caml.Obj.repr 0. As a performance hack, it only does this when not (Caml.Obj.is_int t.(i)). It is an error to access the cleared index before setting it again.

val exists : 'a t -> f:('a -> bool) -> bool

As Array.exists.

val map2_exn : 'a t -> 'b t -> f:('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'c t

Functions with the 2 suffix raise an exception if the lengths of the two given arrays aren't the same.

val min_elt : 'a t -> compare:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a option
val max_elt : 'a t -> compare:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a option

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