package cryptodbm

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Encrypted layer over the dbm library: serverless, key-value databases with symmetric encryption.

This library provides an encrypted layer on top of the Dbm and Cryptokit packages. The improvements over Dbm are:

  • A single database file may contain several independent subtables, identified by a name (a string).
  • Each subtable can be signed and encrypted individually, or encrypted using a global password.
  • The whole file can be signed.
  • Obfuscating data is -optionally- appended to keys, data, and to the whole table, so that two databases with the same content look significantly different, once encrypted.
  • Encryption is symmetric: encryption and decryption both use the same password.
  • Signature is symmetric: signing and verifying the signature both use the same signword.

As a quick example, the following uncrypted bindings (key => data):

        "john-doe"        => "age 36"
        "some secret"     => "The cake is a lie."
        "Motto"           => "For relaxing times, make it Suntory time"

are stored as follows in the encrypted file (with variations depending on the password, and other parameters):

 [^.2] => [...F...).Hsl..tB]
 [...y;....~.:.6V.2] => [....I...JR..w.E9..G..q=...K....b]
 [..'.C...F.x.3K.y2] => [1.)]
 [S.....5 Y....8..2] => [.D........2..u...q.......}Z.b..z.zo.}.l3l.....>.]
 [...xD;@.8..wV..P1....e}....u..`.2] => [hb..2.._B....Y?0....|.....tM....]
 [K.#i.7j..H.ZZ.^.2] => [..z....,........]

Including several subtables in the same database file avoids having to deal with multiple files to store related information, and also prevents information leak through the number and sizes of a set of database files.

This library was primarily designed to store encrypted exam files on a university server. A common layout consists in several subtables encrypted with a global password, as well as an uncrypted subtable containing (public) meta-information.

Install and compile

Install using opam: opam install cryptodbm

Compile with ocamlbuild by adding the following to your _tags file:

<**/*> : package(cryptodbm)


I have not benchmarked this library. Keep in mind that every access (reading or writing a binding) requires to encrypt the key, and encrypt the data (when writing) or decrypt the data (when reading). Don't be pessimistic, though: it seems all right for non critical applications.

Also, there is only a global key-index for the whole table, no key-index for individual subtables. As a consequence, subtable iterators actually iterate over the whole table index (selecting only the expected subtable indexes).

A few technical details

When a database file is encrypted,

  • The only uncrypted binding in the file is the format version number, as well as bindings of uncrypted subtables.
  • Because of salt(s), it is not possible for an observer to see when two databases use the same password.
  • Because of salt(s), saving twice the same database leads to two files containing totally different bindings. An observer cannot make sure that two databases are equal. However, if the following options are not used, the total number of bindings is the same, as well as the sizes of bindings (which entails that the file sizes are the same too).
  • If "max_extra padding" is used, saving twice the same database leads to two files containing bindings with different sizes. If "extra bindings" is used, the total number of bindings is, moreover, different. It is harder for an observer to guess if two database files are possibly equal.
  • Because data is encrypted using the salt, password and key, data associated to different keys are encrypted differently. An observer cannot identify bindings with equal data.
  • The signature is computed by hashing the salt, signword, all (subtabled) keys and associated data. It is stored after encryption using the salt and the (sub)table password. The hashing function is currently sha256 (see the Cryptokit package).

See also the project homepage.

Contact: D. Le Botlan (github.lebotlan@dfgh.met where you replace .met by .net.)

Typical example

let table = open_append ~file:"/path/to/myfile" ~passwd:"my-secret-passwd" in

let subtable = append_subtable table ~name:"here the subtable name" () in

add subtable ~key:"key1" ~data:"data1" () ;
add subtable ~key:"key2" ~data:"data2" () ;

close table ;
module Error : sig ... end

All errors that may occur.

Notice that all functions may raise Error(DB_Error) when accessing the underlying database.


type 'a table

The type of encrypted-dbm file descriptors. 'a is a phantom type precising the permission: read-only or full access.

type read

Phantom type which represents read-only permission.

type full

Phantom type which represents read-write permission.

type 'a subtable

Type of a subtable. 'a is the permission.

Open, close, and flush files

The database can be opened in three modes: read mode, write (create) mode, and append mode.

Note that operations are not thread-safe at the library level: do not share a table or subtable handler between threads. However, multiple processes might access the same database, whenever the low-level dbm permits it (which depends on the low-level dbm library actually used). gdbm allows many readers in parallel, or only one writer and no reader.

val open_read : ?iterations:int -> file:string -> passwd:string -> signwd:string -> unit -> read table

Opens an encrypted-dbm file for reading.

  • parameter file

    The full path to the database file, but without the .pag or .dir extension (when applicable).

  • parameter passwd

    Use the given password to decrypt. Use the empty string "" if the file is not encrypted. In order to access only uncrypted bindings of an encrypted file, consider open_only_uncrypted instead.

  • parameter signwd

    Use the given signword to check the signature. If the signword is the empty string, do not check the signature.

  • parameter iterations

    Number of iterations used to map the password/signword. A higher value means a longer time to open the database. A default value is used if missing (around 12000). The same value must be used when reading/writing the database - otherwise the password is not recognized (Bad_password). The same value must be used when signing/checking the signature - oterwise the signature is not recognized (Bad_signature). The number of iterations is NOT saved in the dbfile.

  • returns

    A new handler to access this database.

  • raises Error(File_not_found)

    the file does not exist or is not readable.

  • raises Error(Bad_format)

    the database file uses an incompatible format.

  • raises Error(Bad_password)

    the non-empty given password is incorrect.

  • raises Error(Bad_signature

    the database signature does not match the expected signature, using the given non-empty signword.

  • raises Error(No_signature)

    the database is not signed but a signword is provided.

  • raises Error(Corrupted)

    the database file does not have the expected structure.

val open_append : ?iterations:int -> file:string -> passwd:string -> signwd:string -> check_signature:bool -> unit -> full table

Opens an existing encrypted-dbm file in append mode.

  • parameter file

    The full path to the database file, without the .pag or .dir extension

  • parameter passwd

    Use the given password to decrypt.

  • parameter signwd

    Use the given signword to sign the database.

  • parameter check_signature

    Whether to check the existing signature before appending new data. If the table was not signed, raises No_signature.

  • parameter iterations

    Number of iterations used to map the password/signword. (See open_read)

  • returns

    A new handler to access this database.

  • raises Error(File_not_appendable)

    the file does not exists or is not readable, or is not writeable.

  • raises Error(Bad_format)

    the database file uses an incompatible format.

  • raises Error(Bad_password)

    the non-empty given password is incorrect.

  • raises Error(Bad_signature)

    the database signature does not match the expected signature, and check_signature is true.

  • raises Error(No_signature)

    the database is not signed, and check_signature is true.

  • raises Error(Corrupted)

    the database file does not have the expected structure.

  • raises Failure(some

    message) check_signature is true but the signwd is empty.

val open_create : file:string -> ?overwrite:bool -> ?iterations:int -> passwd:string -> signwd:string -> ?max_extra_key:int -> ?max_extra_data:int -> ?max_extra_bindings:int -> perm:int -> unit -> full table

Creates a new encrypted-dbm file.

  • parameter file

    The full path to the database file, without the .pag or .dir extension

  • parameter overwrite

    Indicates if overwriting an existing file is allowed.

  • parameter passwd

    If a password is provided, use it to encrypt. An empty password means no encryption.

  • parameter signwd

    If a signword is provided, use it to sign. An empty signword means no signature.

  • parameter iterations

    Number of iterations used to map the password/signword. (See open_read)

  • parameter max_extra_key

    Max length of random padding added to keys, default 0.

  • parameter max_extra_data

    Max length of random padding added to data, default 0.

  • parameter max_extra_bindings

    (default 0): because the number of bindings of the table can be guessed without knowing the password, random extra bindings can be added to obfuscate the table.

  • parameter perm

    Unix permission to be used to create the file. Must allow the user to write on this file. Beware that in OCaml, 644 is not equal to 0o644.

  • returns

    A new handler to access this database.

  • raises Error(File_overwrite)

    the file already exists and overwriting is not explicitly allowed.

  • raises Error(File_not_writeable)

    the given permission does not allow writing.

val open_only_uncrypted : ?iterations:int -> file:string -> signwd:string -> unit -> read table

Opens a table to access only uncrypted subtables.

  • parameter file

    The full path to the database file, without the .pag or .dir extension

  • parameter signwd

    Use the given signword to check the signature. If the signword is the empty string, do not check the signature.

  • parameter iterations

    Used to check the signature (useless if the signwd is empty).

  • raises Error(File_not_found)

    the file does not exist or is not readable.

  • raises Error(Bad_format)

    the database file uses an incompatible format.

  • raises Error(Bad_signature)

    the database signature does not match the expected signature, using the given non-empty signword.

  • raises Error(No_signature)

    the database is not signed but a signword is provided.

  • raises Error(Corrupted)

    the database file does not have the expected structure.

close, flush
val close : 'a table -> unit

If in write mode, sign if necessary, add extra bindings if required, then flush and close the file. In read mode, just close the file. All the subtables are automatically closed.

  • raises Error(Is_Closed)

    the database is already closed.

val flush : ?backup:bool -> ?backup_name:string -> full table -> unit

Sign if necessary, and flush. Optionally make a backup, that is, a copy of the current database file is made (default name is: 'filename'-backup-'date').

  • raises Error(Is_Closed)

    the database is already closed.

  • raises Error(Backup_failure)

    something went wrong when doing the backup.

val get_rootfile : 'a table -> string

Returns the root filename (without the .pag or .dir extension).

Open and create subtables

val create_subtable : full table -> name:string -> ?iterations:int -> passwd:string -> signwd:string -> ?max_extra_key:int -> ?max_extra_data:int -> unit -> full subtable

Creates a standard subtable for writing.

  • parameter name

    the subtable name. It can be any string.

  • parameter passwd

    If the passwd is empty, use the global table password. If the global table password is also empty, this subtable will be uncrypted. If the passwd is not empty, use it to encrypt this subtable. Consider create_uncrypted_subtable to create an uncrypted subtable in an encrypted table.

  • parameter signwd

    If a signwd is provided, use it to sign this subtable.

  • parameter iterations

    Number of iterations used to map the password/signword. (See open_read). If unspecified, take a default value (not necessarily the value used to open the table itself).

  • parameter max_extra_key

    Use this max_extra_key (instead of the global table max_extra_key parameter).

  • parameter max_extra_data

    Use this max_extra_data (instead of the global table max_extra_data parameter).

  • raises Error(Is_Closed)

    the database is closed.

  • raises Error(Subtable_exists)

    a standard subtable with this name already exists.

val create_uncrypted_subtable : ?iterations:int -> full table -> name:string -> signwd:string -> unit -> full subtable

Creates an uncrypted subtable (even when the global table is encrypted).

  • parameter name

    the subtable name. It can be virtually any string.

  • parameter signwd

    If a signwd is provided, use it to sign this subtable.

  • parameter iterations

    Used to check the signature (useless if the signwd is empty).

  • raises Error(Is_Closed)

    the database is closed.

  • raises Error(Subtable_exists)

    a subtable with this name already exists.

val open_subtable : 'a table -> name:string -> ?iterations:int -> passwd:string -> signwd:string -> unit -> read subtable

Open a standard subtable for reading.

  • parameter name

    the subtable name.

  • parameter passwd

    If a non-empty password is provided, use it to decrypt.

  • parameter signwd

    If a non-empty signword is provided, use it to check the signature of this subtable.

  • parameter iterations

    Number of iterations used to map the password/signword. (See open_read)

  • raises Error(Is_Closed)

    the database is closed.

  • raises Error(Bad_password)

    the given password does not match this subtable's password.

  • raises Error(Bad_signature)

    the subtable signature does not match the expected signature, using the given non-empty signword.

  • raises Error(No_signature)

    the subtable is not signed, but a signwd was provided.

  • raises Error(Is_Already_Open)

    this subtable (identified by its name) is already open.

  • raises Error(No_subtable)

    no subtable with this name exists (if the subtable is explicitly uncrypted, use open_uncrypted_subtable instead).

val open_uncrypted_subtable : ?iterations:int -> 'a table -> name:string -> signwd:string -> unit -> read subtable

Open an uncrypted subtable for reading.

  • parameter name

    the subtable name.

  • parameter signwd

    If a non-empty signword is provided, use it to check the signature of this subtable.

  • parameter iterations

    Used to check the signature (useless if the signwd is empty).

  • raises Error(Is_Closed)

    the database is closed.

  • raises Error(Bad_signature)

    the subtable signature does not match the expected signature, using the given non-empty signword.

  • raises Error(No_signature)

    the subtable is not signed, but a signwd was provided.

  • raises Error(Is_Already_Open)

    this subtable (identified by its name) is already open.

  • raises Error(No_subtable)

    no uncrypted subtable with this name exists.

val append_subtable : full table -> name:string -> ?iterations:int -> passwd:string -> signwd:string -> check_signature:bool -> unit -> full subtable

Open a standard subtable for appending bindings.

  • parameter name

    the subtable name.

  • parameter passwd

    If a non-empty password is provided, use it to decrypt and encrypt.

  • parameter signwd

    Use the given signword to sign this subtable.

  • parameter check_signature

    Whether to check the existing signature before appending new data. If the subtable was not signed, this parameter has no effect.

  • parameter iterations

    Number of iterations used to map the password/signword. (See open_read)

  • raises Error(Is_Closed)

    the database is closed.

  • raises Error(Bad_password)

    the given password does not match this subtable's password.

  • raises Error(Bad_signature)

    the subtable signature does not match the expected signature, using the given non-empty signword.

  • raises Error(No_signature)

    the subtable is not signed, but a signwd was provided.

  • raises Error(Is_Already_Open)

    this subtable (identified by its name) is already open.

  • raises Error(No_subtable)

    no standard subtable with this name exists (if the subtable is explicitly uncrypted, use append_uncrypted_subtable instead).

val append_uncrypted_subtable : ?iterations:int -> full table -> name:string -> signwd:string -> check_signature:bool -> unit -> full subtable

Open an uncrypted subtable for appending bindings.

  • parameter name

    the subtable name.

  • parameter signwd

    Use the given signword to sign this subtable.

  • parameter check_signature

    Whether to check the existing signature before appending new data. If the subtable was not signed, this parameter has no effect.

  • parameter iterations

    Used to check the signature (useless if the signwd is empty).

  • raises Error(Is_Closed)

    the database is closed.

  • raises Error(Bad_signature)

    the subtable signature does not match the expected signature, using the given non-empty signword.

  • raises Error(No_signature)

    the subtable is not signed, but a signwd was provided.

  • raises Error(Is_Already_Open)

    this subtable (identified by its name) is already open.

  • raises Error(No_subtable)

    no uncrypted subtable with this name exists.

val close_subtable : 'a subtable -> unit

If in write mode, sign if necessary, then flush and close the subtable. In read mode, just close the subtable.

  • raises Error(Is_Closed)

    the subtable is already closed.

Getters and iterators over subtables

val get_number : 'a subtable -> int

Returns this subtable's identifier (a number).

val get_name : 'a subtable -> string

Returns this subtable's name.

val iter_subtables : 'a table -> (string -> int -> unit) -> unit

Iterate over standard subtables. The function is applied to the subtable name and number.

  • raises Error(Is_Closed)

    the table is already closed.

val iter_uncrypted_subtables : 'a table -> (string -> int -> unit) -> unit

Iterate over uncrypted subtables.

  • raises Error(Is_Closed)

    the table is already closed.

Operations on bindings: add, find, delete, iterate

val add : ?may_overwrite:bool -> full subtable -> key:string -> data:string -> unit

add subt key data binds key to data in subtable subt. By default, overwriting an existing binding is forbidden.

  • parameter may_overwrite

    if true, replacing an old binding by a new binding is permitted.

  • raises Error(Overwrite)

    the key is already bound and may_overwrite is false.

  • raises Error(Is_Closed)

    the subtable is already closed.

val find : 'a subtable -> string -> string

find subt key returns the data associated to key in subtable subt.

  • raises Error(Unbound)

    the key is not bound in this subtable.

  • raises Error(Is_Closed)

    the subtable is already closed.

val delete : full subtable -> string -> unit

delete subt key removes the binding associated to key in subtable subt.

  • raises Error(Unbound)

    the key is not bound in this subtable.

  • raises Error(Is_Closed)

    the subtable is already closed.

val clear : full subtable -> unit

clear subt removes all the bindings in subtable subt.

  • raises Error(Is_Closed)

    the subtable is already closed.

val iter : 'a subtable -> (string -> string -> unit) -> unit

Iterate over all pairs (key, data) of the given subtable.

  • raises Error(Is_Closed)

    the subtable is already closed.

val iterkey : 'a subtable -> (string -> unit) -> unit

Iterate over all keys of the given subtable. Faster than iter since data is not decrypted.

  • raises Error(Is_Closed)

    the subtable is already closed.

val fold : 'a subtable -> 'b -> (string -> string -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b

See iter.

val iter_extra_bindings : 'a table -> (string -> string -> unit) -> unit

For debugging.

Durable backup

The underlying database file is managed by the dbm library actually installed on the runtime platform. For portability, or to ensure that your data does not depend on a particular version of the dbm library, you can use these functions which convert dbm files to and from an ad-hoc, very simple binary format.

val export : read table -> binfile:string -> unit

Exports a dbfile to a durable binary format. The dbfile must be opened for reading (open_only_uncrypted suffices, in case the passwords are not known). Note that the binary file just mirrors the dbfile (that is, they both contain the same encrypted & uncrypted data).

val import : binfile:string -> dbfile:string -> unit

Imports a binary file to a dbfile. dbfile is the output dbfile, without .pag or .dir extension


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