package cstruct

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type 'a rd = < rd : unit.. > as 'a

Type of read capability.

type 'a wr = < wr : unit.. > as 'a

Type of write capability.

type 'a t

Type of cstruct with capabilities 'a.

type buffer = (char, Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t

Type of buffer. A t is composed of an underlying buffer.

type rdwr = < rd : unit ; wr : unit >

Type of read-and-capability.

type ro = < rd : unit >

Type of read-only capability.

type wo = < wr : unit >

Type of write-only capability.

type uint8 = int

8-bit unsigned integer.

type uint16 = int

16-bit unsigned integer.

type uint32 = int32

32-bit unsigned integer.

type uint64 = int64

64-bit unsigned integer.

val create : int -> rdwr t

create len is a fresh read-and-write t of size len. with an offset of 0, filled with zero bytes.

val create_unsafe : int -> rdwr t

create_unsafe len is a fresh read-and-write t of size len with an offset of 0.

Note that the returned cstruct will contain arbitrary data, likely including the contents of previously-deallocated cstructs.


Forgetting to replace this data could cause your application to leak sensitive information.

val ro : 'a rd t -> ro t

ro t has t to be read-only then.

val wo : 'a wr t -> wo t

wo t has t to be write-only then.

val of_string : ?off:int -> ?len:int -> string -> rdwr t

of_string ~off ~len s is a fresh read-and-write t of s sliced on off (default is 0) and of len (default is String.length s) length.

val of_bytes : ?off:int -> ?len:int -> bytes -> rdwr t
val of_hex : string -> rdwr t

of_bytes ~off ~len x is a fresh read-and-write t of x sliced on off (default is 0) and of len (default is Bytes.length x) length.

val to_bigarray : 'a t -> buffer

to_bigarray t converts t into a buffer Bigarray, using the Bigarray slicing to allocate a fresh proxy Bigarray that preserves sharing of the underlying buffer.

In other words:

let t = Cstruct_cap.create 10 in
let b = Cstruct_cap.to_bigarray t in
Bigarray.Array1.set b 0 '\x42' ;
assert (Cstruct_cap.get_char t 0 = '\x42')
val equal : 'a rd t -> 'b rd t -> bool

equal a b is true iff a and b correspond to the same sequence of bytes (it uses memcmp internally). Both need at least read capability rd.

val compare : 'a rd t -> 'b rd t -> int

compare a b gives an unspecified total ordering over t. Both need at least read capability rd.

val check_alignment : 'a rd t -> int -> bool

check_alignment t alignment is true if the first byte stored within t is at a memory address where address mod alignment = 0, false otherwise. The mod used has the C/OCaml semantic (which differs from Python). Typical uses are to check a buffer is aligned to a page or disk sector boundary. t needs at least read capability rd.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if alignment is not a positive integer.

val get_char : 'a rd t -> int -> char

get_char t off returns the character contained in t at offset off. t needs at least read capability rd.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if the offset exceeds t length (which can differ from underlying buffer length).

val get_uint8 : 'a rd t -> int -> uint8

get_uint8 t off returns the byte contained in t at offset off. t needs at least read capability rd.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if the offset exceeds t length (which can differ from underlying buffer length).

val set_char : 'a wr t -> int -> char -> unit

set_char t off c sets the character contained in t at offset off to character c. t needs at least write capability wr.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if the offset exceeds t length (which can differ from underlying buffer length).

val set_uint8 : 'a wr t -> int -> uint8 -> unit

set_uint8 t off x sets the byte contained in t at offset off to byte x. t needs at least write capability wr.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if the offset exceeds t length (which can differ from underlying buffer length).

val sub : 'a rd t -> off:int -> len:int -> 'a rd t

sub t ~off ~len returns a fresh t with the shared underlying buffer of t sliced on off and of len length. New t shares same capabilities than t.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if the offset exceeds t length.

val shift : 'a rd t -> int -> 'a rd t

shift t len returns a fresh t with the shared underlying buffer of t shifted to len bytes. New t shares same capabilities than t.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if the offset exceeds t length.

val to_string : ?off:int -> ?len:int -> 'a rd t -> string

to_string ~off ~len t is the string representation of the segment of t starting at off (default is 0) of size len (default is length t). t needs at least read-capability rd.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if off and len does not designate a valid segment of t.

val to_bytes : ?off:int -> ?len:int -> 'a rd t -> bytes

to_bytes ~off ~len t is the bytes representation of the segment of t starting at off (default is 0) of size len (default is length t). t needs at least read-capability rd.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if off and len do not designate a valid segment of t.

val blit : 'a rd t -> src_off:int -> 'b wr t -> dst_off:int -> len:int -> unit

blit src ~src_off dst ~dst_off ~len copies len characters from src, starting at index src_off, to dst, starting at index dst_off. It works correctly even if src and dst have the same underlying buffer, and the src and dst intervals overlap. This function uses memmove internally.

src needs at least read-capability rd. dst needs at least write-capability wr. Both don't share capabilities.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if src_off and len do not designate a valid segment of src, or if dst_off and len do not designate a valid segment of dst.

val blit_from_string : string -> src_off:int -> 'a wr t -> dst_off:int -> len:int -> unit

blit_from_string src ~src_off dst ~dst_off ~len copies len characters from src, starting at index src_off, to dst, starting at index dst_off. This function uses memcpy internally.

dst needs at least write-capability wr.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if src_off and len do not designate a valid sub-string of src, or if dst_off and len do not designate a valid segment of dst.

val blit_from_bytes : bytes -> src_off:int -> 'a wr t -> dst_off:int -> len:int -> unit

blit_from_bytes src ~src_off dst ~dst_off ~len copies len characters from src, starting at index src_off, to dst, starting at index dst_off. This uses memcpy internally.

dst needs at least write-capability wr.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if src_off and len do not designate a valid sub-sequence of src, or if dst_off and len do no designate a valid segment of dst.

val blit_to_bytes : 'a rd t -> src_off:int -> bytes -> dst_off:int -> len:int -> unit

blit_to_bytes src ~src_off dst ~dst_off ~len copies len characters from src, starting at index src_off, to sequences dst, starting at index dst_off. blit_to_bytes uses memcpy internally.

src needs at least read-capability rd.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if src_off and len do not designate a valid segment of src, or if dst_off and len do not designate a valid sub-seuqnce of dst.

val memset : 'a wr t -> int -> unit

memset t x sets all bytes of t to x land 0xff. t needs at least write-capability wr.

val length : 'a rd t -> int

length t return length of t. Note that this length is potentially smaller than the actual size of the underlying buffer, as the sub function can construct a smaller view. t needs at least read-capability rd.

val split : ?start:int -> 'a t -> int -> 'a t * 'a t

split ~start t len is a tuple containing ts extracted from t at offset start (default is 0) of length len as first element, and the rest of t as second element.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if sart exceeds the t length, or if there is a bounds violation of t via len + start.

val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a rd t -> unit

Pretty-printer of t. t needs at least read capability rd.

module BE : sig ... end
module LE : sig ... end
val lenv : 'a rd t list -> int

lenv vs is the combined length of all t in vs. Each t need at least read-capability rd.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if computing the sum overflows.

val copyv : 'a rd t list -> string

copy vs is the string representation of the concatenation of all t in vss. Each t need at least read-capability rd.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if the length of the result would exceed Sys.max_string_length.

val fillv : src:'a rd t list -> dst:'b wr t -> int * 'a rd t list

fillv ~src ~dst copies from src to dst until src is exhausted or dst is full. It returns the number of bytes copied and the remaining data from src, if any. This is useful if you want to bufferize data into fixed-sized chunks. Each t of src need at least read-capability rd. dst needs at least write-capability wr. Each t of src and dst don't share capabilities.

type 'a iter = unit -> 'a option

Type of iterator.

val iter : ('a rd t -> int option) -> ('a rd t -> 'v) -> 'a rd t -> 'v iter

iter lenf of_cstruct t is an iterator over t that returns elements of size lenf t and type of_cstruct t. t needs at least read-capability rd and iter keeps capabilities of t on of_cstruct.

val fold : ('acc -> 'x -> 'acc) -> 'x iter -> 'acc -> 'acc

fold f iter acc is (f iterN accN ... (f iter acc)...).

val append : 'a rd t -> 'b rd t -> rdwr t

append a b create a fresh t which is the concatenation of a and b. a and b need at least read-capability rd. Resulted t has read-and-write capability.

val concat : 'a rd t list -> rdwr t

concat vss is the concatenation of all t in vss. Each t of vss need at least read-capability rd. concat always creates a fresh t.

val rev : 'a rd t -> rdwr t

rev t is t in reverse order. The return value is a freshly allocated t, and t is not modified according rd capability.


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