package datakit-ci

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type saved = {
  1. title : string;
  2. commit : string;
  3. branch : string;
  4. failed : bool;
  5. mutable rebuild : [ `Rebuildable of unit Lwt.t Lazy.t | `Rebuilding | `Archived ];
type logs =
  1. | Empty
  2. | Live of CI_live_log.t
  3. | Saved of saved
  4. | Pair of logs * logs
type 'a t = 'a CI_result.t * logs
val result : 'a t -> 'a CI_result.t
val logs : 'a t -> logs
val status : _ t -> [ `Success | `Pending | `Failure ]
val descr : string t -> string
val equal : string t -> string t -> bool

equal a b is true iff a and b are equal for the purposes of saving the output metadata to disk. i.e. they have the same JSON representation.

val json_of : string t -> Yojson.Basic.json
val of_json : Yojson.Basic.json -> string t
val pp : 'a Fmt.t -> 'a t Fmt.t