package dockerfile

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Run OPAM commands across a matrix of Docker containers. Each of these containers represents a different version of OCaml, OPAM and an OS distribution (such as Debian or Alpine).

Known distributions and OCaml variants

type t = [
  1. | `Alpine of [ `V3_3 ]
  2. | `CentOS of [ `V6 | `V7 ]
  3. | `Debian of [ `V9 | `V8 | `V7 | `Stable | `Testing | `Unstable ]
  4. | `Raspbian of [ `V8 | `V7 ]
  5. | `Fedora of [ `V21 | `V22 | `V23 ]
  6. | `OracleLinux of [ `V7 ]
  7. | `Ubuntu of [ `V12_04 | `V14_04 | `V15_04 | `V15_10 | `V16_04 ]

Supported Docker container distributions

val sexp_of_t : t -> Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t
val t_of_sexp : Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t -> t
val __t_of_sexp__ : Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t -> t
val distros : t list

Enumeration of the supported Docker container distributions

val slow_distros : t list

Enumerations of slower non-x86 distributions like ARM Raspbian

val latest_stable_distros : t list

Enumeration of the latest stable (ideally LTS) supported distributions.

val master_distro : t

The distribution that is the top-level alias for the latest tag in the ocaml/opam Docker Hub build.

val ocaml_versions : Bytes.t list

Enumeration of supported OCaml compiler versions.

val latest_ocaml_version : Bytes.t

The latest stable OCaml release.

val opam_versions : Bytes.t list

Enumeration of supported OPAM package manager versions.

val builtin_ocaml_of_distro : t -> Bytes.t option

builtin_ocaml_of_distro t will return the OCaml version supplied with the distribution packaging, and None if there is no supported version.

val tag_of_distro : t -> Bytes.t

Convert a distribution to a Docker Hub tag. The full form of this is ocaml/TAG on the Docker Hub.

val distro_of_tag : Bytes.t -> t option

distro_of_tag s parses s into a t distribution, and None otherwise.

val opam_tag_of_distro : t -> Bytes.t -> Bytes.t

opam_tag_of_distro distro ocaml_version will generate a Docker Hub tag that maps to the container that matches the OS/OCaml combination. They can be found by default in the ocaml organisation in Docker Hub.

val latest_tag_of_distro : t -> Bytes.t

latest_tag_of_dsistro distro will generate a Docker Hub tag that is a convenient short form for the latest stable release of a particular distribution. This tag will be regularly rewritten to point to any new releases of the distribution.

val human_readable_string_of_distro : t -> Bytes.t

human_readable_string_of_distro t returns a human readable version of the distribution tag, including version information.

val human_readable_short_string_of_distro : t -> Bytes.t

human_readable_short_string_of_distro t returns a human readable short version of the distribution tag, excluding version information.

val compare : t -> t -> int

compare a b is a lexical comparison function for t.

Dockerfile generation

val to_dockerfile : ?pin:Bytes.t -> ocaml_version:Bytes.t -> distro:t -> unit -> Dockerfile.t

to_dockerfile ?pin ~ocaml_version ~distro generates a Dockerfile for distro, with OPAM installed and the current switch pointing to ocaml_version. If pin is specified then an opam pin add <pin> will be added to the initialisation.

val dockerfile_matrix : ?pin:Bytes.t -> unit -> (t * Bytes.t * Dockerfile.t) list

dockerfile_matrix ?pin () contains the list of Docker tags and their associated Dockerfiles for all distributions. The user of the container can assume that OPAM is installed and initialised to the central remote, and that opam depext is available on that container. If pin is specified then an opam pin add <pin> will be added to the initialisation.

val latest_dockerfile_matrix : ?pin:Bytes.t -> unit -> (t * Dockerfile.t) list

latest_dockerfile_matrix contains the list of Docker tags and Dockerfiles for the latest releases of distributions. These contain the latest stable version of the distribution, the most recently released version of OCaml, and the freshest version of OPAM supported on that distribution.

The user of the container can assume that OPAM is installed and initialised to the central remote, and that opam depext is available on that container. If pin is specified then an opam pin add <pin> will be added to the initialisation.

Dockerfile generators and iterators

val map : ?filter:((t * Bytes.t * Dockerfile.t) -> bool) -> ?org:Bytes.t -> (distro:t -> ocaml_version:Bytes.t -> Dockerfile.t -> 'a) -> 'a list
val map_tag : ?filter:((t * Bytes.t * Dockerfile.t) -> bool) -> (distro:t -> ocaml_version:Bytes.t -> 'a) -> 'a list

map_tag fn executes fn distro ocaml_version with a tag suitable for use against the ocaml/opam:TAG Docker Hub.

val generate_dockerfile : ?crunch:bool -> string -> Dockerfile.t -> unit

generate_dockerfile output_dir docker will output Dockerfile inside the output_dir subdirectory.

The crunch argument defaults to true and applies the Dockerfile.crunch optimisation to reduce the number of layers; disable it if you really want more layers.

val generate_dockerfiles : ?crunch:bool -> string -> (Bytes.t * Dockerfile.t) list -> unit

generate_dockerfiles output_dir (name * docker) will output a list of Dockerfiles inside the output_dir/ subdirectory, with each Dockerfile named as Dockerfile.<release>.

The crunch argument defaults to true and applies the Dockerfile.crunch optimisation to reduce the number of layers; disable it if you really want more layers.

val generate_dockerfiles_in_directories : ?crunch:bool -> string -> (Bytes.t * Dockerfile.t) list -> unit

generate_dockerfiles_in_directories output_dir (name * docker) will output a list of Dockerfiles inside the output_dir/name subdirectory, with each directory containing the Dockerfile specified by docker.

The crunch argument defaults to true and applies the Dockerfile.crunch optimisation to reduce the number of layers; disable it if you really want more layers.

val generate_dockerfiles_in_git_branches : ?readme:string -> ?crunch:bool -> string -> (Bytes.t * Dockerfile.t) list -> unit

generate_dockerfiles_in_git_branches output_dir (name * docker) will output a set of git branches in the output_dir Git repository. Each branch will be named name and contain a single docker file. The contents of these branches will be reset, so this should be only be used on an output_dir that is a dedicated Git repository for this purpose. If readme is specified, the contents will be written to in that branch.

The crunch argument defaults to true and applies the Dockerfile.crunch optimisation to reduce the number of layers; disable it if you really want more layers.


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