package domain-name

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t

The type of a domain name, a sequence of labels separated by dots. Each label may contain any bytes. The length of each label may not exceed 63 charactes. The total length of a domain name is limited to 253 (byte representation is 255), but other protocols (such as SMTP) may apply even smaller limits. A domain name label is case preserving, comparison is done in a case insensitive manner.

The invariants on the length of domain names are preserved throughout the module - no t will exist which violates these.

The specification of domain names originates from RFC 1035.


val root : t

root is the root domain ("."), the empty label.

String representation

val of_string : ?hostname:bool -> string -> (t, [> `Msg of string ]) Stdlib.result

of_string ~hostname name is either t, the domain name, or an error if the provided name is not a valid domain name. If hostname is provided and true (the default), the contents is additionally checked for being a valid hostname using is_hostname.

val of_string_exn : ?hostname:bool -> string -> t

of_string_exn ~hostname name is t, the domain name. If hostname is provided and true (the default), the contents is additionally checked for being a valid hostname using is_hostname.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if name is not a valid domain name.

val to_string : t -> string

to_string t is String.concat ~sep:"." (to_strings t), a human-readable representation of t.

Predicates and basic operations

val canonical : t -> t

canonical t is t', the canonical domain name, as specified in RFC 4034 (and 2535): all characters are lowercase.

val is_hostname : t -> bool

is_hostname t is true if t is a hostname: the contents of the domain name is limited: each label may start with a digit or letter, followed by digits, letters, or hyphens.

val is_service : t -> bool

is_service t is true if t is a service label: the first label is a service name (containing of letters, digits, hyphens) prefixed with "_". The service name may not contain a hyphen following another hyphen, no hypen at the beginning or end, and must contain at least one letter. The total length must be between 1 and at most 15 characters. The second label is the protocol, prefixed by "_" (at the moment, tcp, udp, or sctp), and the remaining must be a host name.

val sub : subdomain:t -> domain:t -> bool

sub ~subdomain ~domain is true if subdomain contains any labels prepended to domain: is a subdomain of and of com, sub ~subdomain:x ~domain:root is true for all x.

val prepend : ?hostname:bool -> t -> string -> (t, [> `Msg of string ]) Stdlib.result

Label addition and removal

prepend ~hostname name pre is either t, the new domain name, or an error. If hostname is provided and true (the default), the resulting domain name is checked for being a valid host name using is_hostname.

val prepend_exn : ?hostname:bool -> t -> string -> t

prepend_exn ~hostname name pre is t, the new domain name.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if pre is not a valid domain name. If hostname is provided and true (the default), the contents is additionally checked for being a valid host name using is_hostname.

val drop_labels : ?back:bool -> ?amount:int -> t -> (t, [> `Msg of string ]) Stdlib.result

drop_labels ~back ~amount t is either t, a domain name with amount (defaults to 1) labels dropped from the beginning (unless back is provided and true, defaults to false). drop_labels applied to is com.

val drop_labels_exn : ?back:bool -> ?amount:int -> t -> t

drop_labels_exn ~back ~amount t is either t, a domain name with amount (defaults to 1) labels dropped from the beginning (unless back is provided and true, defaults to false). drop_labels applied to is com.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if there are not sufficient labels.


val equal : ?case_sensitive:bool -> t -> t -> bool

equal ~case t t' is true if all labels of t and t' are equal. If case_sensitive is provided and true, the cases of the labels are respected (default: false).

val compare : t -> t -> int

compare t t' compares the domain names t and t' using a case insensitive string comparison.

val compare_sub : string -> string -> int

compare_sub t t' compares the labels t and t' using a case insensitive string comparison.


module Map : sig ... end

The module of a domain name map

module Set : Stdlib.Set.S with type elt = t

The module of a domain name set

String list representation

val of_strings : ?hostname:bool -> string list -> (t, [> `Msg of string ]) Stdlib.result

of_strings ~hostname labels is either t, a domain name, or an error if the provided labels violate domain name constraints. If hostname is provided and true (the default), the labels are additionally checked for being a valid hostname using is_hostname.

val of_strings_exn : ?hostname:bool -> string list -> t

of_strings_exn ~hostname labels is t, a domain name.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if labels are not a valid domain name. If hostname is provided and true (the default), the labels are additionally checked for being a valid hostname using is_hostname.

val to_strings : t -> string list

to_strings t is the list of labels of t.

Pretty printer

val pp : t Fmt.t

pp ppf t pretty prints the domain name t on ppf.


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