package dose

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val info : ('a, unit, string, unit) Pervasives.format4 -> 'a
val notice : ('a, unit, string, unit) Pervasives.format4 -> 'a
val warning : ('a, unit, string, unit) Pervasives.format4 -> 'a
val debug : ('a, unit, string, unit) Pervasives.format4 -> 'a
val fatal : ('a, unit, string, 'b) Pervasives.format4 -> 'a
type package = {
  1. name :;
  2. version : Format822.version;
  3. architecture : Format822.architecture;
  4. multiarch : Format822.multiarch;
  5. essential : bool;
  6. build_essential : bool;
  7. extra_source_only : bool;
  8. priority : string;
  9. source : * Format822.version option;
  10. depends : Format822.vpkgformula;
  11. pre_depends : Format822.vpkgformula;
  12. recommends : Format822.vpkgformula;
  13. suggests : Format822.vpkgformula;
  14. enhances : Format822.vpkgformula;
  15. conflicts : Format822.vpkglist;
  16. breaks : Format822.vpkglist;
  17. replaces : Format822.vpkglist;
  18. provides : Format822.vpkglist;
  19. extras : (string * string) list;
val default_package : package
val lexbuf_wrapper : ((Lexing.lexbuf -> Packages_parser.token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> 'a) -> (Format822.loc * string) -> 'a
val parse_name : (Format822.loc * string) ->
val parse_version : (Format822.loc * string) -> Format822.version
val parse_multiarch : (Format822.loc * string) -> Format822.multiarch
val parse_source : (Format822.loc * string) -> Format822.source
val parse_vpkg : (Format822.loc * string) -> Format822.vpkg
val parse_vpkglist : (Format822.loc * string) -> Format822.vpkglist
val parse_vpkgformula : (Format822.loc * string) -> Format822.vpkgformula
val parse_binarylist : (Format822.loc * string) -> Format822.vpkglist
val assoc : string -> (string * 'a) list -> 'a
exception ParseError of string * string
exception IgnorePackage of string
val parse_s : ?opt:'a -> ?err:string -> ?multi:bool -> (('b * 'c) -> 'a) -> string -> (string * ('b * 'c)) list -> 'a
val parse_string : ('a * 'b) -> 'b
val parse_int : ('a * string) -> int
val parse_e : (string * ((string * ('a * 'b)) list -> 'b) option) list -> (string * ('a * 'b)) list -> (string * 'b) list
val parse_bool : ('a * string) -> bool
val parse_architecture : string list -> ('a * string) -> string
val parse_package_stanza : ((string * (Format822.loc * Format822.architecture)) list -> bool) option -> Format822.architecture list -> (string * ((string * (Format822.loc * Format822.architecture)) list -> Format822.architecture) option) list -> (string * (Format822.loc * Format822.architecture)) list -> package option
val status_filter : (string * ('a * string)) list -> bool
val arch_filter : 'a list -> (string * ('b * 'a)) list -> bool
val packages_parser : string -> ((string * (Format822.loc * string)) list -> 'a option) -> 'a list -> Format822.deb_parser -> 'a list
val parse_packages_in : ?filter:((string * (Format822.loc * Format822.architecture)) list -> bool) -> ?archs:Format822.architecture list -> ?extras: (string * ((string * (Format822.loc * Format822.architecture)) list -> Format822.architecture) option) list -> string -> IO.input -> package list
val (>%) : package -> package -> int
module Set : sig ... end
val merge : Set.elt list -> Set.elt list -> Set.elt list
val installed_re : Re_pcre.regexp
val is_installed : package -> bool
val is_on_hold : package -> bool
val default_extras : (string * 'a option) list
val input_raw : ?filter:((string * (Format822.loc * Format822.architecture)) list -> bool) -> ?archs:Format822.architecture list -> ?extras: (string * ((string * (Format822.loc * Format822.architecture)) list -> Format822.architecture) option) list -> string list -> Set.elt list
val input_raw_ch : ?filter:((string * (Format822.loc * Format822.architecture)) list -> bool) -> ?archs:Format822.architecture list -> ?extras: (string * ((string * (Format822.loc * Format822.architecture)) list -> Format822.architecture) option) list -> IO.input -> Set.elt list

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