package dose3

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Dependency solver. Low Level API

Implementation of the EDOS algorithms (and more). This module respects the cudf semantic.

This module contains two type of functions. Normal functions work on a cudf universe. These are just a wrapper to _cache functions.

_cache functions work on a pool of ids that is a more compact representation of a cudf universe based on arrays of integers. _cache function can be used to avoid recreating the pool for each operation and therefore speed up operations.

module R : sig ... end

Sat Solver instance

module S : Dose_common.EdosSolver.T with module X = R
type solver = {
  1. constraints : S.state;

    the sat problem

  2. map : Dose_common.Util.projection;

    a map from cudf package ids to solver ids

  3. globalid : (bool * bool) * int;

    (keep_constrains,global_constrains),gui) where gid is the last index of the cudfpool. Used to encode a 'dummy' package and to enforce global constraints. keep_constrains and global_constrains are true if either keep_constrains or global_constrains are enforceble.


internal state of the sat solver. The map allows to transform sat solver variables (that must be contiguous) to integers representing the id of a package

type global_constraints = (Cudf_types.vpkglist * int list) list
type dep_t = (Cudf_types.vpkg list * int list) list * (Cudf_types.vpkg * int list) list

Solver Package Pool. pool_t is an array where each index is an solver variable and the content of the array associates cudf dependencies to a list of solver varialbles representing a package

and pool = dep_t array
and t = [
  1. | `SolverPool of pool
  2. | `CudfPool of bool * pool

A pool can either be a low level representation of the universe where all integers are interpreted as solver variables or a universe where all integers are interpreted as cudf package indentifiers. The boolean associate to the cudfpool is true if keep_constrains are present in the universe. The last index of the pool is the globalid

type result =
  1. | Success of unit -> int list

    return a function providing the list of the cudf packages belonging to the installation set

  2. | Failure of unit -> Diagnostic.reason_int list

    return a function with the failure explanations

val init_pool_univ : global_constraints:global_constraints -> Cudf.universe -> [> `CudfPool of bool * pool ]

Given a cudf universe , this function returns a CudfPool. We assume that cudf uid are sequential and we can use them as an array index. The last index of the pool is the globalid.

val init_solver_pool : Dose_common.Util.projection -> [< `CudfPool of bool * pool ] -> 'a list -> [> `SolverPool of pool ]

this function creates an array indexed by solver ids that can be used to init the edos solver. Return a SolverPool

val init_solver_cache : ?buffer:bool -> ?explain:bool -> [< `SolverPool of pool ] -> S.state

Initalise the sat solver. Operates only on solver ids SolverPool

val solve : ?tested:bool array -> explain:bool -> solver -> Diagnostic.request_int -> Diagnostic.result_int

Call the sat solver

  • parameter tested:

    optional int array used to cache older results

  • parameter explain:

    if try we add all the information needed to create the explanation graph

val pkgcheck : ((Diagnostic.result_int * Diagnostic.request_int) -> unit) option -> bool -> solver -> bool array -> int -> bool

pkgcheck callback solver tested id. This function is used to "distcheck" a list of packages

val init_solver_univ : global_constraints:global_constraints -> ?buffer:bool -> ?explain:bool -> Cudf.universe -> solver

Constraint solver initialization

  • parameter buffer

    debug buffer to print out debug messages

  • parameter univ

    cudf package universe

val init_solver_closure : global_constraints:global_constraints -> ?buffer:bool -> [< `CudfPool of bool * pool ] -> int list -> solver

Constraint solver initialization

  • parameter buffer

    debug buffer to print out debug messages

  • parameter pool

    dependencies and conflicts array idexed by package id

  • parameter closure

    subset of packages used to initialize the solver

val copy_solver : solver -> solver

return a copy of the state of the solver

val reverse_dependencies : Cudf.universe -> int list array

reverse_dependencies index return an array that associates to a package id i the list of all packages ids that have a dependency on i.

  • parameter mdf

    the package universe

val dependency_closure_cache : ?maxdepth:int -> ?conjunctive:bool -> [< `CudfPool of bool * pool ] -> int list -> int list

dependency_closure_cache pool l return the union of the dependency closure of all packages in l in the given pool of packages. The result always contains the globalid.

  • parameter maxdepth

    the maximum cone depth (infinite by default)

  • parameter conjunctive

    consider only conjunctive dependencies (false by default)

val reverse_dependency_closure : ?maxdepth:int -> int list array -> int list -> int list

return the dependency closure of the reverse dependency graph. The visit is bfs.

  • parameter maxdepth

    the maximum cone depth (infinite by default)

  • parameter index

    the package universe

  • parameter idlist

    a subset of index

    This function use a memoization strategy.

val progressbar_init : Dose_common.Util.Progress.t

Progress Bars

val progressbar_univcheck : Dose_common.Util.Progress.t

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