package dream-html

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
HTML generator eDSL for Dream


Dune Dependency






Write HTML directly in your OCaml source files with editor support.

Published: 14 Jun 2023


dream-html - generate HTML markup from your Dream backend server

Copyright 2023 Yawar Amin

This file is part of dream-html.

dream-html is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

dream-html is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with dream-html. If not, see


An HTML library that is closely integrated with Dream. Most HTML elements and attributes from the Mozilla Developer Network references are now implemented. I have deliberately left out almost all non-standard or deprecated tags/attributes. Also, supporting CSS is out of scope for this library. However, I have included the htmx attributes as I am personally using them.


  • TyXML is a bit too complex.

  • Dream's built-in eml (Embedded ML) has some drawbacks like no editor support, quirky syntax that can be hard to debug, and manual dune rule setup for each view file. Also in general string-based HTML templating is suboptimal.

  • Daniel Buenzli's Webs_html is most similar but I wanted to fine-tune a few things and take advantage of close Dream integration.

First look

let page req =
  let open Dream_html in
  let open Tag in
  let open Attr in
  html [lang "en"] [
    head [] [
      (* Need module prefix because conflicts with title attribute *)
      Tag.title [] "Dream-html" ];
    body [] [
      h1 [] [txt "Dream-html"];
      p [] [txt "Is cool!"];
      (* Need module prefix because conflicts with form attribute *)
      Tag.form [method_ `POST; action "/feedback"] [
        (* Integrated with Dream's CSRF token generation *)
        csrf_tag req;

        (* Need module prefix because conflicts with label attribute *)
        Tag.label [for_ "what-you-think"] [txt "Tell us what you think!"];
        input [name "what-you-think"; id "what-you-think"];
        input [type_ "submit"; value "Send"] ] ] ]

(* Integrated with Dream response *)
let handler req = Dream_html.respond (page req)


Attribute and text values are escaped using Dream.html_escape:

utop # open Dream_html;;
utop # let user_input = "<script>alert('You have been pwned')</script>";;
utop # open Tag;;
utop # let safe = p [] [txt "%s" user_input];;
utop # to_string safe;;
- : string =
"<p>&lt;script&gt;alert(&#x27;You have been pwned&#x27;)&lt;/script&gt;</p>"

How to install

This package is not published on opam, so you can add it as a pinned package. E.g.

opam pin add dream-html git+

If you are using a dune-project file to declare your dependencies, you can add the pin to your <package>.opam.template file:

pin-depends: [
  ["" "git+"]


A convenience is provided to respond with an HTML node from a handler:

Dream_html.respond greeting

You can compose multiple HTML nodes together into a single node without an extra DOM node, like React fragments:

let view = Tag.null [p [] [txt "Hello"]; p [] [txt "World"]]

You can do string interpolation using the txt node constructor and of any attribute which takes a string value:

let greet name = p [id "greet-%s" name] [txt "Hello, %s!" name]

You can conditionally render an attribute, and void elements are statically enforced as childless:

let entry =
    [ (if should_focus then autofocus else null);
      id "email";
      name "email";
      value "Email address" ]

You can also embed HTML comments in the generated document:

div [] [comment "TODO: xyz."; p [] [txt "Hello!"]]

Explore in the REPL

$ utop
utop # #require "dream-html";;
utop # open Dream_html;;
utop # open Tag;;
utop # open Attr;;
utop # #install_printer pp;;
utop # p [class_ "hello"] [txt "world"];;
- : node = <p class="hello">world</p>


Run the test and print out diff if it fails:

dune runtest # Will also exit 1 on failure

Set the new version of the output as correct:

dune promote

Prior art/design notes

Surface design obviously lifted straight from elm-html.

Similar to Webs as mentioned earlier (it turns out there are only a limited number of ways to do this kind of library).

Implementation inspired by both elm-html and Scalatags.

Dependencies (2)

  1. dream >= "1.0.0~alpha3"
  2. dune >= "2.7"

Dev Dependencies (1)

  1. odoc with-doc

Used by





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