package dream-pure

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type informational = [
  1. | `Continue
  2. | `Switching_Protocols
type successful = [
  1. | `OK
  2. | `Created
  3. | `Accepted
  4. | `Non_Authoritative_Information
  5. | `No_Content
  6. | `Reset_Content
  7. | `Partial_Content
type redirection = [
  1. | `Multiple_Choices
  2. | `Moved_Permanently
  3. | `Found
  4. | `See_Other
  5. | `Not_Modified
  6. | `Temporary_Redirect
  7. | `Permanent_Redirect
type client_error = [
  1. | `Bad_Request
  2. | `Unauthorized
  3. | `Payment_Required
  4. | `Forbidden
  5. | `Not_Found
  6. | `Method_Not_Allowed
  7. | `Not_Acceptable
  8. | `Proxy_Authentication_Required
  9. | `Request_Timeout
  10. | `Conflict
  11. | `Gone
  12. | `Length_Required
  13. | `Precondition_Failed
  14. | `Payload_Too_Large
  15. | `URI_Too_Long
  16. | `Unsupported_Media_Type
  17. | `Range_Not_Satisfiable
  18. | `Expectation_Failed
  19. | `Misdirected_Request
  20. | `Too_Early
  21. | `Upgrade_Required
  22. | `Precondition_Required
  23. | `Too_Many_Requests
  24. | `Request_Header_Fields_Too_Large
type server_error = [
  1. | `Internal_Server_Error
  2. | `Not_Implemented
  3. | `Bad_Gateway
  4. | `Service_Unavailable
  5. | `Gateway_Timeout
  6. | `HTTP_Version_Not_Supported
type status = [
  1. | standard_status
  2. | `Status of int
val is_informational : [< status ] -> bool
val is_successful : [< status ] -> bool
val is_redirection : [< status ] -> bool
val is_client_error : [< status ] -> bool
val is_server_error : [< status ] -> bool
val status_to_int : [< `Accepted | `Bad_Gateway | `Bad_Request | `Conflict | `Continue | `Created | `Expectation_Failed | `Forbidden | `Found | `Gateway_Timeout | `Gone | `HTTP_Version_Not_Supported | `Internal_Server_Error | `Length_Required | `Method_Not_Allowed | `Misdirected_Request | `Moved_Permanently | `Multiple_Choices | `No_Content | `Non_Authoritative_Information | `Not_Acceptable | `Not_Found | `Not_Implemented | `Not_Modified | `OK | `Partial_Content | `Payload_Too_Large | `Payment_Required | `Permanent_Redirect | `Precondition_Failed | `Precondition_Required | `Proxy_Authentication_Required | `Range_Not_Satisfiable | `Request_Header_Fields_Too_Large | `Request_Timeout | `Reset_Content | `See_Other | `Service_Unavailable | `Status of int | `Switching_Protocols | `Temporary_Redirect | `Too_Early | `Too_Many_Requests | `URI_Too_Long | `Unauthorized | `Unavailable_For_Legal_Reasons | `Unsupported_Media_Type | `Upgrade_Required ] -> int
val int_to_status : int -> status
val status_to_reason : [< `Accepted | `Bad_Gateway | `Bad_Request | `Conflict | `Continue | `Created | `Expectation_Failed | `Forbidden | `Found | `Gateway_Timeout | `Gone | `HTTP_Version_Not_Supported | `Internal_Server_Error | `Length_Required | `Method_Not_Allowed | `Misdirected_Request | `Moved_Permanently | `Multiple_Choices | `No_Content | `Non_Authoritative_Information | `Not_Acceptable | `Not_Found | `Not_Implemented | `Not_Modified | `OK | `Partial_Content | `Payload_Too_Large | `Payment_Required | `Permanent_Redirect | `Precondition_Failed | `Precondition_Required | `Proxy_Authentication_Required | `Range_Not_Satisfiable | `Request_Header_Fields_Too_Large | `Request_Timeout | `Reset_Content | `See_Other | `Service_Unavailable | `Status of int | `Switching_Protocols | `Temporary_Redirect | `Too_Early | `Too_Many_Requests | `URI_Too_Long | `Unauthorized | `Unavailable_For_Legal_Reasons | `Unsupported_Media_Type | `Upgrade_Required ] -> string option
val status_to_string : [< `Accepted | `Bad_Gateway | `Bad_Request | `Conflict | `Continue | `Created | `Expectation_Failed | `Forbidden | `Found | `Gateway_Timeout | `Gone | `HTTP_Version_Not_Supported | `Internal_Server_Error | `Length_Required | `Method_Not_Allowed | `Misdirected_Request | `Moved_Permanently | `Multiple_Choices | `No_Content | `Non_Authoritative_Information | `Not_Acceptable | `Not_Found | `Not_Implemented | `Not_Modified | `OK | `Partial_Content | `Payload_Too_Large | `Payment_Required | `Permanent_Redirect | `Precondition_Failed | `Precondition_Required | `Proxy_Authentication_Required | `Range_Not_Satisfiable | `Request_Header_Fields_Too_Large | `Request_Timeout | `Reset_Content | `See_Other | `Service_Unavailable | `Status of int | `Switching_Protocols | `Temporary_Redirect | `Too_Early | `Too_Many_Requests | `URI_Too_Long | `Unauthorized | `Unavailable_For_Legal_Reasons | `Unsupported_Media_Type | `Upgrade_Required ] -> string
val normalize_status : [< `Accepted | `Bad_Gateway | `Bad_Request | `Conflict | `Continue | `Created | `Expectation_Failed | `Forbidden | `Found | `Gateway_Timeout | `Gone | `HTTP_Version_Not_Supported | `Internal_Server_Error | `Length_Required | `Method_Not_Allowed | `Misdirected_Request | `Moved_Permanently | `Multiple_Choices | `No_Content | `Non_Authoritative_Information | `Not_Acceptable | `Not_Found | `Not_Implemented | `Not_Modified | `OK | `Partial_Content | `Payload_Too_Large | `Payment_Required | `Permanent_Redirect | `Precondition_Failed | `Precondition_Required | `Proxy_Authentication_Required | `Range_Not_Satisfiable | `Request_Header_Fields_Too_Large | `Request_Timeout | `Reset_Content | `See_Other | `Service_Unavailable | `Status of int | `Switching_Protocols | `Temporary_Redirect | `Too_Early | `Too_Many_Requests | `URI_Too_Long | `Unauthorized | `Unavailable_For_Legal_Reasons | `Unsupported_Media_Type | `Upgrade_Required ] -> status
val status_codes_equal : [< `Accepted | `Bad_Gateway | `Bad_Request | `Conflict | `Continue | `Created | `Expectation_Failed | `Forbidden | `Found | `Gateway_Timeout | `Gone | `HTTP_Version_Not_Supported | `Internal_Server_Error | `Length_Required | `Method_Not_Allowed | `Misdirected_Request | `Moved_Permanently | `Multiple_Choices | `No_Content | `Non_Authoritative_Information | `Not_Acceptable | `Not_Found | `Not_Implemented | `Not_Modified | `OK | `Partial_Content | `Payload_Too_Large | `Payment_Required | `Permanent_Redirect | `Precondition_Failed | `Precondition_Required | `Proxy_Authentication_Required | `Range_Not_Satisfiable | `Request_Header_Fields_Too_Large | `Request_Timeout | `Reset_Content | `See_Other | `Service_Unavailable | `Status of int | `Switching_Protocols | `Temporary_Redirect | `Too_Early | `Too_Many_Requests | `URI_Too_Long | `Unauthorized | `Unavailable_For_Legal_Reasons | `Unsupported_Media_Type | `Upgrade_Required ] -> [< `Accepted | `Bad_Gateway | `Bad_Request | `Conflict | `Continue | `Created | `Expectation_Failed | `Forbidden | `Found | `Gateway_Timeout | `Gone | `HTTP_Version_Not_Supported | `Internal_Server_Error | `Length_Required | `Method_Not_Allowed | `Misdirected_Request | `Moved_Permanently | `Multiple_Choices | `No_Content | `Non_Authoritative_Information | `Not_Acceptable | `Not_Found | `Not_Implemented | `Not_Modified | `OK | `Partial_Content | `Payload_Too_Large | `Payment_Required | `Permanent_Redirect | `Precondition_Failed | `Precondition_Required | `Proxy_Authentication_Required | `Range_Not_Satisfiable | `Request_Header_Fields_Too_Large | `Request_Timeout | `Reset_Content | `See_Other | `Service_Unavailable | `Status of int | `Switching_Protocols | `Temporary_Redirect | `Too_Early | `Too_Many_Requests | `URI_Too_Long | `Unauthorized | `Unavailable_For_Legal_Reasons | `Unsupported_Media_Type | `Upgrade_Required ] -> bool

Innovation. Community. Security.