package dune-release

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t = {
  1. owner : string;
  2. repo : string;
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val from_uri : string -> t option

Parse a github URI into owner and repo. Return None if the given URI isn't a github one.

val from_gh_pages : string -> (t * Fpath.t) option

Parse a github pages URI of the form <owner><repo>/<extra_path> into ({owner; repo}, extra_path). extra_path is Fpath.v "." if there is no such component in the URI. Return None if the URI isn't a gh-pages one.

val https_uri : t -> string

Returns the HTTPS URI, in string form for the given repo

val ssh_uri : t -> string

Returns the "git@github" SSH URI, in string form for the given repo


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