package dyntype

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type t =
  1. | Unit
  2. | Bool
  3. | Float
  4. | Char
  5. | String
  6. | Int of int option
  7. | List of t
  8. | Array of t
  9. | Tuple of t list
  10. | Dict of [ `O | `R ] * (string * [ `RO | `RW ] * t) list
  11. | Sum of [ `N | `P ] * (string * t list) list
  12. | Option of t
  13. | Rec of string * t
  14. | Var of string
  15. | Arrow of t * t
  16. | Ext of string * t
val is_mutable : t -> bool
val free_vars : t -> string list
val foreigns : t -> string list
val unroll : (string * t) list -> t -> t
val is_subtype_of : t -> t -> bool
val (<:) : t -> t -> bool
val string_of_last_type_error : unit -> string
val to_string : t -> string
exception Parse_error of string
val of_string : string -> t

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