package easy_logging_yojson

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include module type of struct include Easy_logging.Handlers.FileHandler end

Module to create handlers that output to a file

Module to create handlers that output to a file

Module to create handlers that output to a file

type config = Easy_logging.Handlers.FileHandler.config = {
  1. logs_folder : string;
  2. truncate : bool;
  3. file_perms : int;
  4. date_prefix : string option;
  5. versioning : int option;
  6. suffix : string;
val default_config : config
val generate_prefix : config -> string
val generate_filename : config -> string -> string
val make : ?config:config -> Easy_logging__.Logging_types.level -> string -> Easy_logging.Handlers.t
type config_ = config = {
  1. logs_folder : string;
  2. truncate : bool;
  3. file_perms : int;
  4. date_prefix : string option;
  5. versioning : int option;
  6. suffix : string;
val config__to_yojson : config_ -> Yojson.Safe.t
val config_to_yojson : config_ -> Yojson.Safe.t

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