package ez_api

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Definition for services and their security's configuration.

type user_id = S.user_id
type user_info = S.user_info
type nonrec auth = auth
val section_session : EzAPI.Doc.section

Documentation section for openapi.

val param_token : EzAPI.Param.t

Parameter with name token that stores an authentication token string

Type that represents security by authentication token and the way that request uses to store it.

val param_security : [> `Query of EzAPI.Param.t EzAPI.Security.apikey ]

Security that requires param_token parameter in query.

Security that checks S.token_kind: If it is a CSRF token, then requires a CSRF header. Otherwise requires token to be found in the cookies.

val security : token_security list

Security that combines param_security and header_cookie_security in the corresponding order. Represents the security configuration for connect and logout requests.

Defines path to authentication services

val access_control : (string * string) list

Connection service that requires authentication token. For more details, see corresponding EzSessionServer.Make.connect handler and default client request implementation


Logining service. For more details, see corresponding EzSessionServer.Make.login handler and default client request implementation EzSessionClient.Make.login.

Disconnection service that requires authentication token. For more details, see corresponding EzSessionServer.Make.logout handler and default client request implementation EzSessionClient.Make.logout.


Innovation. Community. Security.