package faad

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

* Library for decoding AAC and AAC+ streams. * *

  • author Samuel Mimram
type t

Internal state of a decoder.

exception Error of int

An error occured...

exception Failed
val error_message : int -> string

Get the error message corresponding to a raised Error.

val min_bytes_per_channel : int

A decode call can eat up to min_bytes_per_channel bytes per decoded channel, so at least so much bytes per channel should be available in this stream.

val create : unit -> t
val init : t -> Bytes.t -> int -> int -> int * int * int

init dec buf ofs len initializes a decoder given the len bytes of data * in buf starting at offset ofs. It returns the offset (number of bytes to * skip), the samplerate and the number of channels of the stream. This function * should be used for AAC data.

val decode : t -> Bytes.t -> int -> int -> int * float array array

decode dec buf ofs len decodes at most len bytes of data in buf * starting at offset ofs. It returns the number of bytes actually decoded * and the decoded data (non-interleaved).

val post_sync_reset : t -> unit
val find_frame : string -> int

Heuristic guess of the offset of the begining of a frame.

module Mp4 : sig ... end

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