package forester

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include sig ... end
type not_found_handler = P.context option -> Yuujinchou__.Trie.bwd_path -> unit
type shadow_handler = P.context option -> Yuujinchou__.Trie.bwd_path -> ( * P.tag) -> ( * P.tag) -> * P.tag
type hook_handler = P.context option -> Yuujinchou__.Trie.bwd_path -> P.hook -> (, P.tag) Yuujinchou__.Trie.t -> (, P.tag) Yuujinchou__.Trie.t
exception Locked
val resolve : Yuujinchou__.Trie.path -> ( * P.tag) option
val modify_visible : ?context_visible:P.context -> P.hook Yuujinchou.Language.t -> unit
val modify_export : ?context_export:P.context -> P.hook Yuujinchou.Language.t -> unit
val export_visible : ?context_modifier:P.context -> ?context_export:P.context -> P.hook Yuujinchou.Language.t -> unit
val get_visible : unit -> (, P.tag) Yuujinchou__.Trie.t
val get_export : unit -> (, P.tag) Yuujinchou__.Trie.t
val section : ?context_modifier:P.context -> ?context_visible:P.context -> ?context_export:P.context -> ?modifier:P.hook Yuujinchou.Language.t -> Yuujinchou__.Trie.path -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
module type Perform = sig ... end
module Perform : sig ... end
module Silence : sig ... end
val run : ?not_found:not_found_handler -> ?shadow:shadow_handler -> ?hook:hook_handler -> ?export_prefix:Yuujinchou__.Trie.bwd_path -> ?init_visible:(, P.tag) Yuujinchou__.Trie.t -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
val try_with : ?not_found:not_found_handler -> ?shadow:shadow_handler -> ?hook:hook_handler -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
val register_printer : ([ `Hook of P.context option * Yuujinchou__.Trie.bwd_path * P.hook * (, P.tag) Yuujinchou__.Trie.t | `NotFound of P.context option * Yuujinchou__.Trie.bwd_path | `Shadow of P.context option * Yuujinchou__.Trie.bwd_path * ( * P.tag) * ( * P.tag) ] -> string option) -> unit
val import_singleton : Yuujinchou__.Trie.path -> -> unit
val include_singleton : Yuujinchou__.Trie.path -> -> unit
val import_subtree : ?modifier:P.hook Yuujinchou.Language.t -> Yuujinchou__.Trie.path -> (, P.tag) Yuujinchou__.Trie.t -> unit
val include_subtree : ?modifier:P.hook Yuujinchou.Language.t -> Yuujinchou__.Trie.path -> (, P.tag) Yuujinchou__.Trie.t -> unit

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