package frama-c

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

A list of the built-in functions for the current compiler (GCC or * MSVC, depending on !msvcMode). Maps the name to the * result and argument types, and whether it is vararg. * Initialized by Cil.initCIL. Do not add builtins directly, use * add_custom_builtin below for that. * * This map replaces gccBuiltins and msvcBuiltins in previous * versions of CIL.

Hashtbl are a standard computation. BUT that is INCORRECT to use projectified hashtables if keys have a custom rehash function (see Project.DATATYPE_OUTPUT.rehash)

include State_builder.S
val self : State.t

The kind of the registered state.

val name : string
val mark_as_computed : ?project:Project.t -> unit -> unit

Indicate that the registered state will not change again for the given project (default is current ()).

val is_computed : ?project:Project.t -> unit -> bool

Returns true iff the registered state will not change again for the given project (default is current ()).

Exportation of some inputs (easier use of State_builder.Register).

val add_hook_on_update : (Datatype.t -> unit) -> unit

Add an hook which is applied each time (just before) the project library changes the local value of the state.

  • since Nitrogen-20111001
val howto_marshal : (Datatype.t -> 'a) -> ('a -> Datatype.t) -> unit

howto_marshal marshal unmarshal registers a custom couple of functions (marshal, unmarshal) to be used for serialization. Default functions are identities. In particular, this function must be used if Datatype.t is not marshallable and do_not_save is not called.

  • since Boron-20100401
type key = string
type data = Cil_types.typ * Cil_types.typ list * bool
val replace : key -> data -> unit

Add a new binding. The previous one is removed.

val add : key -> data -> unit

Add a new binding. The previous one is only hidden.

val clear : unit -> unit

Clear the table.

val length : unit -> int

Length of the table.

val iter : (key -> data -> unit) -> unit
val iter_sorted : ?cmp:(key -> key -> int) -> (key -> data -> unit) -> unit
val fold : (key -> data -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
val fold_sorted : ?cmp:(key -> key -> int) -> (key -> data -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
val memo : ?change:(data -> data) -> (key -> data) -> key -> data

Memoization. Compute on need the data associated to a given key using the given function. If the data is already computed, it is possible to change with change.

val find : key -> data

Return the current binding of the given key.

  • raises Not_found

    if the key is not in the table.

val find_all : key -> data list

Return the list of all data associated with the given key.

val mem : key -> bool
val remove : key -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.