package fsml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Finite State Machines

type t = {
  1. id : string;


  2. states : State.t list;
  3. inps : (string * Types.t) list;


  4. outps : (string * Types.t) list;


  5. vars : (string * Types.t) list;

    Local variables

  6. trans : Transition.t list;
  7. itrans : State.t * Action.t list;

    Initial transition


The static description of a FSM

val to_yojson : t -> Yojson.Safe.t
val to_string : t -> string

to_string m writes a representation of FSM m as a string using the Yojson library.

val from_string : string -> t

from_string s returns the FSM m stored in string s using the Yojson library

val to_file : fname:string -> t -> unit

to_file f writes a representation of FSM m in file f using the Yojson library.

val from_file : fname:string -> t

from_file f returns the FSM m stored in file f using the Yojson library


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