package genspio

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Compilers of the EDSL.t values.

Pretty-printing Output

val pp_hum : Format.formatter -> 'a EDSL.t -> unit

Pretty print a Genspio expression with the Format module.

val to_string_hum : 'a EDSL.t -> string

Pretty print a Genspio expression to string.

val to_one_line_hum : 'a EDSL.t -> string

Like to_string_hum but avoiding new-lines.

Compilation to POSIX Shell Scripts

module To_posix : sig ... end

Compiler from EDSL.t to POSIX shell scripts.

Legacy API

These functions are here for backwards compatibility, please use now the To_posix module.

val default_max_argument_length : int option

See argument ?max_argument_length of to_one_liner.

val to_one_liner : ?max_argument_length:int option -> ?no_trap:bool -> 'a EDSL.t -> string

Compile a Genspio expression to a single-line POSIX shell command.

The shell command starts by using "trap" to allow the script to abort thorugh the construct; one can avoid this setup with ~no_trap:true

If ~no_trap:true is used and the script used the construct, to_one_liner fails with an exception.

utop # Genspio.Compile.to_one_liner ~no_trap:true Genspio.EDSL.(seq [ eprintf (string "Hello\\n") []; fail ]);;
Exception: Failure
"Die command not set: you cannot use the `fail` construct together with the `~no_trap:true` option (error message was: \" called\")".

The default value for max_argument_length is default_max_argument_length (Some 100_000); it is a limit on the length of the literal command line arguments generated by the compiler. None means “do not check.”

If the compilation fails, the function raises an Failure exception containing the error message.

val to_many_lines : ?max_argument_length:int option -> ?no_trap:bool -> 'a EDSL.t -> string

Compile a Genspio expression to a multi-line POSIX shell script, slightly more readable than to_one_liner.

val quick_run_exn : ?max_argument_length:int option -> ?no_trap:bool -> 'a EDSL.t -> unit

Compile an expression and use Sys.command on it; if the overall command does not return 0 an exception is raised.


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