package goblint

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Construction of a constraint system from an analysis specification and CFGs. Transformatons of analysis specifications as functors.

module M = Messages
module HashconsLifter (S : Analyses.Spec) : Analyses.Spec with module G = S.G and module C = S.C

Lifts a Spec so that the domain is Hashconsd

module HashconsContextLifter (S : Analyses.Spec) : Analyses.Spec with module D = S.D and module G = S.G and module C = Printable.HConsed(S.C)

Lifts a Spec so that the context is Hashconsd.

module OptEqual (S : Analyses.Spec) : sig ... end

If dbg.slice.on, stops entering functions after dbg.slice.n levels.

module LimitLifter (S : Analyses.Spec) : sig ... end

Limits the number of widenings per node.

module WidenContextLifterSide (S : Analyses.Spec) : sig ... end
module DeadCodeLifter (S : Analyses.Spec) : Analyses.Spec with module D = Analyses.Dom(S.D) and module G = S.G and module C = S.C

Lifts a Spec with a special bottom element that represent unreachable code.

module NoContext : sig ... end
module IntConf : sig ... end

Lifts a Spec with the context gas variable. The gas variable limits the number of context-sensitively analyzed function calls in a call stack. For every function call the gas is reduced. If the gas is zero, the remaining function calls are analyzed without context-information

module type Increment = sig ... end
module FromSpec (S : Analyses.Spec) (Cfg : MyCFG.CfgBackward) (I : Increment) : sig ... end

The main point of this file---generating a GlobConstrSys from a Spec.

module PathSensitive2 (Spec : Analyses.Spec) : Analyses.Spec with module G = Spec.G and module C = Spec.C and module V = Spec.V

Add path sensitivity to a analysis

module RecursionTermLifter (S : Analyses.Spec) : Analyses.Spec with module D = S.D and module C = S.C

Add cycle detection in the context-sensitive dynamic function call graph to an analysis

module CompareGlobSys (SpecSys : Analyses.SpecSys) : sig ... end
module CompareHashtbl (Var : ConstrSys.VarType) (Dom : Lattice.S) (VH : Batteries.Hashtbl.S with type key = Var.t) : sig ... end
module CompareEqSys (Sys : ConstrSys.EqConstrSys) (VH : Batteries.Hashtbl.S with type key = Sys.Var.t) : sig ... end
module CompareGlobal (GVar : ConstrSys.VarType) (G : Lattice.S) (GH : Batteries.Hashtbl.S with type key = GVar.t) : sig ... end
module CompareNode (C : Printable.S) (D : Lattice.S) (LH : Batteries.Hashtbl.S with type key = Analyses.VarF(C).t) : sig ... end

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