package hdr_histogram

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type t

The type of histogram values

val init : lowest_discernible_value:int -> highest_trackable_value:int -> significant_figures:int -> t

Initialize a new histogram

val record_value : t -> int -> bool

Record a value in the histogram

val close : t -> unit

Close the histogram

val value_at_percentile : t -> float -> int

Get the value at the given percentile in the histogram

val min : t -> int

Get the minimum value in the histogram

val max : t -> int

Get the maximum value in the histogram

val mean : t -> float

Get the mean value in the histogram

val stddev : t -> float

Get the standard deviation of the values in the histogram

val memory_size : t -> int

Get the memory size of the histogram