package html_of_jsx

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


Render HTML with JSX

html_of_jsx is a JSX transformation to write HTML declaratively in OCaml, Reason and mlx.

This library was extracted from server-reason-react and later simplified to work only with HTML5.


opam install html_of_jsx

Add it to your dune file

(libraries html_of_jsx)
(preprocess (pps html_of_jsx.ppx))


The only module exposed is JSX with some functions to construct elements and JSX.render to transform those elements into a string.


  • Brings the component model to HTML
  • Supports most of the JSX features (uppercase components, fragments, optional attributes, punning, childrens, etc...)
  • but with a few improvements (lowercase components, no need to add ppx annotations)
  • Integrates well with Htmx and others (see the htmx page)
  • No React idioms (no className, no htmlFor, no onChange, etc...), just plain HTML5
  • Type-safe, validates attributes and their types
  • Works with OCaml, Reason and mlx

See the features page for all details


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