package irmin-test

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module type S = Irmin.S with type step = string and type key = string list and type contents = string and type branch = string
module type LAYERED_STORE = Irmin_layers.S with type step = string and type key = string list and type contents = string and type branch = string
val reporter : ?prefix:string -> unit -> Logs.reporter
type t = {
  1. name : string;
  2. init : unit -> unit Lwt.t;
  3. clean : unit -> unit Lwt.t;
  4. config : Irmin.config;
  5. store : (module S);
  6. layered_store : (module LAYERED_STORE) option;
  7. stats : (unit -> int * int) option;
val line : string -> unit
val store : (module Irmin.S_MAKER) -> (module Irmin.Metadata.S) -> (module S)
val layered_store : (module Irmin_layers.S_MAKER) -> (module Irmin.Metadata.S) -> (module LAYERED_STORE)
val testable : 'a Irmin.Type.t -> 'a Alcotest.testable
val check : 'a Irmin.Type.t -> string -> 'a -> 'a -> unit
val checks : 'a Irmin.Type.t -> string -> 'a list -> 'a list -> unit
module Store : sig ... end

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