package irmin-unix

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Access to the Git objects

include Git.Store.S
type t
val create : ?root:string -> ?dot_git:string -> ?level:int -> unit -> t Lwt.t
val dot_git : t -> string
val root : t -> string
val level : t -> int
val dump : t -> unit Lwt.t
val contents : t -> (Git.Hash.t * Git.Value.t) list Lwt.t
val size : t -> Git.Hash.t -> int option Lwt.t
val read : t -> Git.Hash.t -> Git.Value.t option Lwt.t
val read_exn : t -> Git.Hash.t -> Git.Value.t Lwt.t
val mem : t -> Git.Hash.t -> bool Lwt.t
val list : t -> Git.Hash.t list Lwt.t
val write : t -> Git.Value.t -> Git.Hash.t Lwt.t
val write_pack : t -> Git.Pack.raw -> Git.Hash.Set.t Lwt.t
val references : t -> Git.Reference.t list Lwt.t
val mem_reference : t -> Git.Reference.t -> bool Lwt.t
val read_reference : t -> Git.Reference.t -> Git.Hash.t option Lwt.t
val read_reference_exn : t -> Git.Reference.t -> Git.Hash.t Lwt.t
val write_head : t -> Git.Reference.head_contents -> unit Lwt.t
val read_head : t -> Git.Reference.head_contents option Lwt.t
val write_reference : t -> Git.Reference.t -> Git.Hash.t -> unit Lwt.t
val remove_reference : t -> Git.Reference.t -> unit Lwt.t
val test_and_set_reference : t -> Git.Reference.t -> test:Git.Hash.t option -> set:Git.Hash.t option -> bool Lwt.t
val read_index : t -> Git.Index.t Lwt.t
val write_index : t -> ?index:Git.Index.t -> Git.Hash.Commit.t -> unit Lwt.t
val kind : [ `Disk | `Mem ]
val read_inflated : t -> Git.Hash.t -> string option Lwt.t
val write_inflated : t -> string -> Git.Hash.t Lwt.t
module Digest : Git.Hash.DIGEST
module Inflate : Git.Inflate.S
val git_commit : Repo.t -> commit -> Git.Commit.t option Lwt.t

git_commit repo h is the commit corresponding to h in the repository repo.

val of_repo : Repo.t -> t

of_repo r is the Git store associated to r.

val to_repo : ?head:Git.Reference.t -> ?bare:bool -> t -> Repo.t Lwt.t

to_repo t is the Irmin repository associated to t.


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