package irmin-watcher

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Irmin watchers.

0.5.0 — homepage

val v : Irmin_watcher__.Core.t

v id p f is the listen hook calling f everytime a sub-path of p is modified. Return a function to call to remove the hook. Default to polling if no better solution is available. FSevents and Inotify backends are available.

val mode : [ `FSEvents | `Inotify | `Polling ]
type stats = {
  1. watchdogs : int;
  2. dispatches : int;
val hook : int -> string -> (string -> unit Lwt.t) -> (unit -> unit Lwt.t) Lwt.t

hook t is an Irmin.Watcher compatible representation of v.

val stats : unit -> stats

stats () is a snapshot of v's stats.

val set_polling_time : float -> unit

set_polling_time f set the polling interval to f. Only valid when mode = `Polling.