package krb

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val connect_and_handshake : (module Krb_public__.Protocol_with_test_mode_intf.S with type protocol_backend = 'backend and type Connection.t = 'conn) -> create_backend: (socket:([ `Active ], Async.Socket.Address.Inet.t) Async.Socket.t -> tcp_reader:Async.Reader.t -> tcp_writer:Async.Writer.t -> 'backend Core.Or_error.t) -> ?buffer_age_limit:[ `At_most of Time_unix.Span.t | `Unlimited ] -> ?interrupt:unit Async.Deferred.t -> ?reader_buffer_size:int -> ?writer_buffer_size:int -> ?timeout:Time_unix.Span.t -> ?time_source:Async.Time_source.t -> ?override_supported_versions:int list -> ?cred_cache:Cred_cache.t -> authorize:Authorize.t -> krb_mode:Mode.Client.t -> Async.Socket.Address.Inet.t Async.Tcp.Where_to_connect.t -> 'conn Async.Deferred.Or_error.t
val connect_sock_and_handshake : (module Krb_public__.Protocol_with_test_mode_intf.S with type protocol_backend = 'backend and type Connection.t = 'conn) -> create_backend: (socket:([ `Active ], Async.Socket.Address.Inet.t) Async.Socket.t -> 'backend Core.Or_error.t) -> ?interrupt:unit Async.Deferred.t -> ?timeout:Time_unix.Span.t -> ?override_supported_versions:int list -> ?cred_cache:Cred_cache.t -> authorize:Authorize.t -> krb_mode:Mode.Client.t -> Async.Socket.Address.Inet.t Async.Tcp.Where_to_connect.t -> ('conn * ([ `Active ], Async.Socket.Address.Inet.t) Async.Socket.t) Async.Deferred.Or_error.t

The clients should be very careful about doing any read/write operation directly on the returned socket. For one, reading from the socket in Priv or Safe mode would return encrypted data.

There are very rare cases when one might want to use the socket instead of the connection.