package kubecaml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Subject_access_review_spec is a description of the access request. Exactly one of Resource_authorization_attributes and Non_resource_authorization_attributes must be set

type t
val to_yojson : t -> Yojson.Safe.t
val make : ?user:string -> ?uid:string -> ?resource_attributes: Kubernetes.Definitions.Api.Authorization.V1.Resource_attributes.t -> ?non_resource_attributes: Kubernetes.Definitions.Api.Authorization.V1.Non_resource_attributes.t -> ?groups:string list -> ?extra:(string * string list) list -> unit -> t
val extra : t -> (string * string list) list option

Extra corresponds to the method from the authenticator. Since that is input to the authorizer it needs a reflection here.

val groups : t -> string list option

Groups is the groups you're testing for.

Non_resource_attributes describes information for a non_resource access request

Resource_authorization_attributes describes information for a resource access request

val uid : t -> string option

Uid information about the requesting user.

val user : t -> string option

User is the user you're testing for. If you specify "user" but not "groups", then is it interpreted as "what if User were not a member of any groups"

module Object : Object.S with type value := t

Innovation. Community. Security.