package milter

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

The Milter module allows the creation of milter applications in OCaml, providing complete bindings to libmilter.

Since libmilter uses pthreads internally, this module is thread-safe. However, due to the current OCaml implementation, each of the milter callbacks must acquire a global runtime lock while being executed, meaning that effectively only a single thread will run at once.

See the official milter documentation for more details.

type ctx

A milter context.

type stat =
  1. | Continue
  2. | Reject
  3. | Discard
  4. | Accept
  5. | Tempfail
  6. | No_reply
  7. | Skip
  8. | All

The return status of milter callbacks.

type flag =
  1. | ADDHDRS
  2. | CHGHDRS
  3. | CHGBODY
  4. | ADDRCPT
  6. | DELRCPT
  8. | CHGFROM

Flags that a filter must set in order to be able to execute their respective actions.

type stage =
  1. | CONNECT
  2. | HELO
  3. | ENVFROM
  4. | ENVRCPT
  5. | DATA
  6. | EOM
  7. | EOH

Stages of the SMTP session for which the registered filter callback functions are called.

type step =
  2. | NOHELO
  3. | NOMAIL
  4. | NORCPT
  5. | NOBODY
  6. | NOHDRS
  7. | NOEOH
  8. | NR_HDR
  10. | NODATA
  11. | SKIP
  12. | RCPT_REJ
  13. | NR_CONN
  14. | NR_HELO
  15. | NR_MAIL
  16. | NR_RCPT
  17. | NR_DATA
  18. | NR_UNKN
  19. | NR_EOH
  20. | NR_BODY
  22. | MDS_256K
  23. | MDS_1M

The type of milter protocol stages.

type filter = {
  1. name : string;

    The name of the filter.

  2. version : int;

    The libmilter version. Must be set to version_code.

  3. flags : flag list;

    The list of flags corresponding to the actions performed by the filter.

  4. connect : (ctx -> string option -> Unix.sockaddr option -> stat) option;

    Called at the start of each SMTP connection. Arguments: milter context, client host name (equals None if the reverse DNS lookup fails for the client address) and client address (equals None if the address type is not supported or if the connection is made via stdin).

  5. helo : (ctx -> string -> stat) option;

    Called when the client sends a HELO/EHLO command. May be called zero or more times per connection. Arguments: milter context and HELO/EHLO string.

  6. envfrom : (ctx -> string -> string list -> stat) option;

    Called when the client sends the MAIL FROM command. Arguments: milter context, sender address and ESMTP arguments.

  7. envrcpt : (ctx -> string -> string list -> stat) option;

    Called once per RCPT TO command. Arguments: milter context, recipient address and ESMTP arguments.

  8. header : (ctx -> string -> string -> stat) option;

    Called once for each message header. Arguments: milter context, header name and header value.

  9. eoh : (ctx -> stat) option;

    Called after all message headers have been processed. Arguments: milter context.

  10. body : (ctx -> bytes -> int -> stat) option;

    Called zero or more times between eoh and eom to handle a piece of the message body. Arguments: milter context, the current piece of the message body and its length.

  11. eom : (ctx -> stat) option;

    Called once after all calls to body are made. Arguments: milter context.

  12. abort : (ctx -> stat) option;

    Called when the current message is aborted. Must reclaim all per-message resources. The abort and eom callbacks are mutually exclusive. Arguments: milter context.

  13. close : (ctx -> stat) option;

    Called when the current connection is being closed. Not necessarily called after all other callbacks. The close callback is called even if the message was aborted. Must reclaim all per-connection resources. Arguments: milter context.

  14. unknown : (ctx -> string -> stat) option;

    Called when the client sends an unknown or unimplemented SMTP command. Arguments: milter context and SMTP command.

  15. data : (ctx -> stat) option;

    Called when the client uses the DATA command. Arguments: milter context.

  16. negotiate : (ctx -> flag list -> step list -> stat * flag list * step list) option;

    Called to dynamically determine and request operations and actions during filter startup. Arguments: milter context, list of flags offered by the MTA and list of steps offered by the MTA. Must return a tuple with a stat and the lists of flags and steps that the filter requires.


The type of filters.

exception Milter_error of string

The exception raised by functions in this module in case of error.

val opensocket : bool -> unit

Tries to create the milter interface socket specified by setconn. If the boolean argument is true any existing UNIX sockets will be removed before trying to create a new one. Must be called before main.

val register : filter -> unit

Registers a filter. Only one filter may be created per process. Must be called before main.

val setconn : string -> unit

Specifies the socket through which communication with the MTA will be carried. The socket must be specified as a string following the formats below.

  • (unix|local):/path/to/file -- A named pipe.
  • inet:port@(hostname|ip-address) -- An IPV4 socket.
  • inet6:port@(hostname|ip-address) -- An IPV6 socket.

Must be called once before main.

val settimeout : int -> unit

Sets the filter's I/O timeout value in seconds. Setting the timeout to 0 means "do not wait", not "wait forever". Must be called before main.

val setbacklog : int -> unit

Sets the filter's listen(2) backlog value. Must be called before main.

val setdbg : int -> unit

Sets the debug level for the milter library. Useful values are in the 0-6 range, with 0 meaning no debug messages and 6 being the most verbose level.

val stop : unit -> unit

Shuts down the filter.

val main : unit -> unit

Hands control to libmilter's event loop. This function only returns if stop is called from one of the callbacks defined in register of if an error occurs.

val getsymval : ctx -> string -> string option

Gets the value of a milter macro. The availability of macros depends on each specific MTA.

val getpriv : ctx -> 'a option

Gets the connection-specific private data for this connection.

val setpriv : ctx -> 'a option -> unit

Sets the private data for this connection.

val setreply : ctx -> string -> string option -> string option -> unit

setreply ctx rcode xcode message sets the default SMTP error reply code to rcode, with an optional extended reply code as specified by RFC 1893/2034, with message as the text part of the reply. Only 4XX and 5XX replies are accepted. Cannot be called from the connect callback.

val setmlreply : ctx -> string -> string option -> string list -> unit

The same as setreply but uses a multi-line response, given as a list of strings.

val addheader : ctx -> string -> string -> unit

addheader ctx field value adds a header named field with value value to the current message. Can only be called from the eom callback.

val chgheader : ctx -> string -> int -> string option -> unit

chgheader ctx field idx value changes header field at index idx to the given value. If value is None, the header is deleted. Can only be called from the eom callback.

val insheader : ctx -> int -> string -> string -> unit

insheader ctx idx field value inserts a header to the current message at index idx. Index 0 corresponds to the topmost header. Can only be called from the eom callback.

val chgfrom : ctx -> string -> string option -> unit

chgfrom ctx from args changes the envelope sender (MAIL FROM) address of the current message to from with optional ESMTP arguments args. Can only be called from the eom callback.

val addrcpt : ctx -> string -> unit

Adds a recipient for the current message. Can only be called from the eom callback.

val addrcpt_par : ctx -> string -> string option -> unit

Adds a recipient for the current message, possibly including ESMTP parameters. Can only be called from the eom callback.

val delrcpt : ctx -> string -> unit

Removes a recipient from the current message's envelope. Can only be called from the eom callback.

val replacebody : ctx -> bytes -> unit

Replaces the message body. If called more than once, subsequent calls result in data being appended to the new body. Can only be called from the eom callback.

val progress : ctx -> unit

Notifies the MTA that an operation is still in progress. This causes the MTA to reset its timeouts. Can only be called from the eom callback.

val quarantine : ctx -> string -> unit

Quarantines the message using the given reason. Can only be called from the eom callback.

val version : unit -> int * int * int

Gets the (runtime) version of libmilter.

val setsymlist : ctx -> stage -> string -> unit

Sets the list of macros that the milter wants to receive from the MTA for a protocol stage. Can only be called from the negotiate callback.

val version_code : int

The libmilter (compile time) version.

val empty : filter

A default filter with name set to an empty string, version set to version_code and all callback fields set to None.


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