package mirage-kv

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
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  1. Mirage_kv
Module type
Class type

MirageOS signatures for key/value devices



MirageOS key-value stores are nested dictionaries, associating structured keys to either dictionaries or values.

module Key : sig ... end
type key = Key.t

The type for keys.

type error = [
  1. | `Not_found of key

    key not found

  2. | `Dictionary_expected of key

    key does not refer to a dictionary.

  3. | `Value_expected of key

    key does not refer to a value.


The type for errors.

val pp_error : error Fmt.t

pp_error is the pretty-printer for errors.

module type RO = sig ... end
type write_error = [
  1. | error
  2. | `No_space

    No space left on the device.

  3. | `Rename_source_prefix of key * key

    The source is a prefix of destination in rename.

  4. | `Already_present of key

    The key is already present.

val pp_write_error : write_error Fmt.t

pp_write_error is the pretty-printer for write errors.

module type RW = sig ... end