package mirage-runtime

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
On This Page
  1. Exit Codes
Module type
Class type

Functoria runtime.

module Arg : sig ... end

Arg defines values that can be set by runtime command-line arguments. This module is the runtime companion of Functora.Runtime_arg.

val register : 'a Cmdliner.Term.t -> unit -> 'a

register t registers the Cmdliner term k as a runtime key and return a callback f that evaluates to ts' value passed on the command-line.

f will raise Invalid_argument if called before cmdliner's evaluation.

val with_argv : unit Cmdliner.Term.t list -> string -> string array -> unit

with_argv keys name argv evaluates the keys terms on the command-line argv. name is the executable name. On evaluation error the application calls exit(3) with status 64. If `Help or `Version were evaluated, exit(3) is called with status 63.

val runtime_args : unit -> unit Cmdliner.Term.t list

Exit Codes

val argument_error : int

argument_error is the exit code used for argument parsing errors: 64.

val help_version : int

help_version is the exit code used when help/version is used: 63.


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