package mrmime

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t

Type of the header.

type value =
  1. | Value : 'a Field.v * 'a -> value

    Type of a value.

val field_to_value : Field.field -> value

field_to_value field extracts value of field with witness type of it.

val pp_value : value Fmt.t

Pretty-printer of value.

val get : Field_name.t -> t -> (int * value * Location.t) list

get field_name header returns all values associated to field_name (several can exist into a header). It returns order, value and location if it comes from a source.

val add : Field.field -> t -> t

add field header adds field into header.

val add_or_replace : Field.field -> t -> t

add_or_replace field header adds field if it does not exist in header or replace older one by the new one.

val empty : t

empty is an empty header which does not have any default values.

val pp : t Fmt.t

Pretty-printer of t.

val content : t -> Content.t

content header returns Content.t of the given header. If it does not exist, it returns Content.default.

val (&) : Field.field -> t -> t

Alias of add.

val reduce : (int * [> Rfc5322.field ] as 'a * Location.t) list -> t -> t * (int * 'a * Location.t) list

Encoder of header.

module Encoder : sig ... end
val to_stream : t -> unit -> string option

to_stream header returns a stream of the given header which can be used into protocol like SMTP.


val to_string : t -> string

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