package ocamlc-loc

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
  • alert unstable The API of this library is not stable and may change without notice.
type source =
  1. | Code of {
    1. code : int;
    2. name : string;
  2. | Alert of string
type lines =
  1. | Single of int
  2. | Range of int * int
type loc = {
  1. chars : (int * int) option;
  2. lines : lines;
  3. path : string;
type severity =
  1. | Error of source option
  2. | Warning of source
type report = {
  1. loc : loc;
  2. severity : severity;
  3. message : string;
  4. related : (loc * string) list;
val dyn_of_report : report -> Dyn.t
val parse : string -> report list