package ocamlformat

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module IO : sig ... end
module Protocol : sig ... end
module V : sig ... end
type state =
  1. | Waiting_for_version
  2. | Version_defined of Rpc.Version.t * Ocamlformat_lib.Conf.t
val run_format : Ocamlformat_lib.Conf.t -> Ocamlformat_stdlib.string -> ([> `Format of Ocamlformat_stdlib.string ], [> `Format_error of string ]) Ocamlformat_stdlib.result
val run_format_with_args : Rpc.format_args -> Ocamlformat_lib.Conf.t -> Ocamlformat_stdlib.string -> ([> `Format of Ocamlformat_stdlib.string ], [> `Config_error of Ocamlformat_lib.Conf.Error.t | `Format_error of string | `Path_error of Ocamlformat_stdlib.string ]) Ocamlformat_stdlib.Result.t
val handle_format_error : 'a -> (Ocamlformat_stdlib.Out_channel.t -> [> `Error of 'a ] -> 'b) -> 'b
val handle_path_error : 'a -> (Ocamlformat_stdlib.Out_channel.t -> [> `Error of 'a ] -> 'b) -> 'b
val handle_config_error : Ocamlformat_lib.Conf.Error.t -> (Ocamlformat_stdlib.Out_channel.t -> [> `Error of string ] -> 'a) -> 'a
val handle_error : [< `Config_error of Ocamlformat_lib.Conf.Error.t | `Format_error of string | `Path_error of string ] -> (Ocamlformat_stdlib.Out_channel.t -> [> `Error of string ] -> 'a) -> 'a
val rpc_main : state -> (unit, 'a) Ocamlformat_stdlib.result
val run : unit -> (unit, 'a) Ocamlformat_stdlib.result

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